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Aquarium Cleaner Becomes Popular Merman In China By Shaking His Belly

He understood the assignment.

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A merman has turned into an overnight sensation after performing at an aquarium in China

Image via Douyin

According to South China Morning Post (SCMP), the man started off as an aquarium cleaner in Changchun Zhongtai Ocean World, but quickly rose to fame for his funny performance style.

Dressed in a mermaid's tail specifically tailored for his figure, the man can be seen in videos shaking and pinching his belly, which is painted with fake abdominal muscles, and making funny faces to amuse visitors.

Image via 长春中泰海洋世界 (Douyin)

He began performing part-time as a substitute merman for his female colleagues who were on leave during the Spring Festival in February

But as a result of his popularity, it wasn't long before he was promoted to a full-time merman.

According to SCMP, the man admitted that he couldn't fit into the usual outfits due to his weight. Consequently, the aquarium had to craft a special outfit for him from the cloth typically used to make adorable waistcoats for their penguins.

Image via 董小姐 (Douyin)

Image via 走路带风 (Douyin)

Image via 走路带风 (Douyin)

In videos that have gone viral on Douyin, the man can be seen dancing alone or alongside other performers, blowing heart-shaped kisses formed with bubbles in the water

Image via 董小姐 (Douyin)

Image via 走路带风 (Douyin)

Some people questioned if he would develop real abs after performing for a long time, while others said that they wouldn't have visited for the mermaids, but they'd definitely visit for this merman.

You can watch some of the videos below:

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