Brother Playfully Pushes His Sister Aside To 'Salam' His Mother On The First Day Of Raya
The urge to get 'duit raya' is real.
There's something to be said about old-fashioned sibling rivalry — but sometimes, it's all just in good fun
A recent TikTok has been making waves on the Internet for a comical moment between siblings.
On the first day of Hari Raya, Syqen and her brother kneel side-by-side before their parents to salam them, otherwise known as the tradition of seeking forgiveness during the Raya season.
Syqen can be seen giving salam to her mother before sweetly kissing her on the cheek. As quickly as she finished greeting her mother, her brother nudged her, causing her to fall over.
Caught off guard by the moment, Syqen couldn't help but turn around and let out a chaotic laugh. Amused, the duo's parents also let out a light laugh over the instance.
Since being posted, the clip has received more than four million views and about 300,000 likes at the time of writing
Thoroughly entertained by Syqen's brother, many users commented what he probably thought moments before playfully pushing his sister over.
"That's his last sin, after this he can ask for forgiveness," joked one user, while another stated that he probably thought his sister was being overdramatic during her salam, thereby urging him to nudge her.
One user even pointed out how shocked their mother was, before joining in the laughter.
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Others even commented on Syqen's reaction, with some saying that her laughter to the situation was more comical rather than overreacting.
"Her foot went flying!" laughed off one user.
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
One of the most fruitful comments of the bunch came from a user who guessed what order in the lineup the duo are as siblings.
"This is definitely a second child and the youngest. My younger sibling is just the same way!" they said in a light-hearted manner.
Image via TikTok
Watch the full TikTok below:
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