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Video Shows A Lorry Driver Blowing Bubbles While Waiting At Traffic Light

His childlike playfulness has warmed everyone's hearts.

Cover image via @yanadiyanarosli (TikTok)

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A TikTok video posted by a woman has gone viral.

It shows a lorry driver, waiting at a traffic light near the Larkin-Kempas Highway, blowing bubbles with a carefree smile.

The woman, @yanadiyanarosli, told SAYS today, 20 May, that her kid saw bubbles flying around while they were waiting at the traffic light towards Kempas, Johor Bahru, and noticed the man inside the lorry.

"He saw the bubbles flying around my car and started screaming, asking me to look at the uncle," Yana said, adding that it was such an unexpected sight to see at traffic lights.

She explained that usually, we see motorists smoking or vaping, so when she saw the lorry driver absorbed in his own world, blowing bubbles, she couldn't help but capture the adorable moment.

"It was such a cute and calm moment! I can't tell what he was thinking, but the fact that he was just playing and blowing bubbles, completely unfazed by the people around him, I really loved it," Yana shared with us.

Posted on Saturday, 18 May, the video has garnered over 30,000 views and hundreds of comments from amused Malaysians

Many left comments, commending the man for his childlike playfulness.

"This is definitely better than a burst of cigarette smoke," commented one.

"Initially, I thought he was vaping, turns out it's bubbles," admitted another.

PS: Yana has allowed SAYS to use the video, but requested that we blur the man's face.

Watch the video here:

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