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Heal Your Eyes, Ears & Soul At This Charming Campsite In Cameron Highlands

A luxurious getaway at an affordable price.

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Enjoy camping?

There's a picturesque camping site nestled among the verdant embrace of Cameron Highlands that's just inviting you to its serene space.

This campsite at Taman Eko Rimba (TER) Sungai Pauh is perched atop rolling hills and enveloped by a sea of green, allowing you to tune out hectic city life.

It's located within the Cameron Highlands District Forest Office area and it is within a 15-minute walking distance from Abang Strawberry and YZ Agro Farm.

Image via @fii._ (Instagram)

Image via @ladynoe.mohamed (Instagram)

The campsite itself is a haven of natural beauty, dotted with spacious wooden clearings perfect for pitching tents

Image via @fii._ (Instagram)

Image via @zhiyingzying (Instagram)

Image via @zhiyingzying (Instagram)

Image via

With towering trees providing natural shade from the blistering sun, the refreshing mountain breeze makes your camping experience remarkably comfortable.

Just imagine the crisp, cool air against your skin!

In addition to the stunning scenery, the campsite offers a variety of activities to immerse you in the surrounding greenery

Hiking trails wind through dense forests and open meadows, leading to hidden waterfalls and vantage points providing a panoramic view of the surrounding hills. In fact, this area can connect the network of forest tracks to Hutan Lipur Parit Fall and Mount Berembun.

You can unwind by the stream and enjoy a moment of peace with the calming backdrop of water trickling nearby.

Birdwatchers fascinated by avian life can observe birds in their natural habitat, listening to the melodies of their songs.

Image via @fii._ (Instagram)

Image via @zhiyingzying (Instagram)

Image via Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang (Facebook)

The campsite is equipped with facilities such as gazebos, BBQ huts, a surau, bathrooms, and a parking lot

Image via Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang (Facebook)

The parking lot is quite far from the campsite, so be sure to bring along a wagon so you can transport your necessities easily. But fret not if you forget, there are trolleys provided by the office building in the area.

The camping entrance fee costs RM3 for adults and RM1.50 for both children below the age of 12 and senior citizens. It's completely free for people with disabilities.

Additionally, campsite facilities such the tent, beds, and more cost RM20 per person each night.

Before seeking solace at TER Sungai Pauh campsite, you have to reserve a slot online at least a week in advance

Image via Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang (Facebook)

It's important to note that the campsite is typically booked during the weekends. To register a spot, visit this website.

Tanah Rata, 39000 Tanah Rata, Pahang

Admission fee:
- Adults: RM3 (RM10 for non-Malaysians)
- Children (under 12 years old): RM1.50 (RM5 for non-Malaysians)
- Seniors (60 years old and above): RM1.50 (RM10 for non-Malaysians)
- People with disabilities: Free (Same for non-Malaysians)

Contact number:
+605-491 1384

The campsite is about a 10- to 20-minute drive from these local attractions in Cameron Highlands:

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