
Iron Deficiency Anaemia Has No Clear Signs. Here's How To Know If Your Child Is At Risk

You can take a free IDA test to find out if your child is at risk for IDA.

Cover image via Alex Green (Pexels) & Ketut Subiyanto (Pexels)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Dumex Dugro®.

Adequate iron intake through diet is crucial, as insufficient iron is one of the main causes of Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) in children

The Iron Strong study, conducted by Professor Dr Muhammad Yazid bin Jalaludin, a Senior Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist and Deputy Dean at the University of Malaya's Faculty of Medicine, found that one in three Malaysian children below the age of three is anaemic. IDA is the most common form of anaemia.

This alarming statistic raises concerns about their physical growth, cognitive development, and overall health.

As a parent, how can you ensure your children receive enough iron?

First things first, it's important to identify signs of IDA, which can affect your child's learning and growth.

Here's what you can look out for:

1. Your child often seems tired or lacks the energy to engage in usual activities
Children with IDA may struggle to keep up with their peers in physical activities due to reduced oxygen transport in the blood.

2. You notice paleness in your child's skin, especially around the face
This can indicate that your child has anaemia. Additionally, if your child shows a decreased interest in eating or has a poor appetite, it might be linked to iron deficiency.

3. You notice that your child has slow growth and development
Iron deficiency can impact a child's growth and cognitive development. If your child is not meeting growth milestones or seems to have difficulty concentrating and learning, IDA might be the underlying cause.

Ensuring your child gets enough iron through their diet is crucial. Here are some iron-rich foods that can help prevent IDA:

Lean meats: Beef and chicken are excellent sources of heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, and other dark leafy greens are rich in non-heme iron, which is not as easily absorbed by the body.

Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are great plant-based sources of iron.

Fortified cereals: Many breakfast cereals are fortified with iron and can be a convenient way to boost your child's iron intake.

Nuts and seeds: Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and cashews are not only nutritious but also packed with iron.

Pairing these foods with vitamin C-rich foods can enhance the absorption of iron.

Recognising the challenges faced by Malaysian parents, Dugro is dedicated to fighting IDA by providing a formula rich in iron, DHA, and 21 essential vitamins and minerals to support children's growth potential

Tackling IDA is at the core of Dugro's mission, aligning with Danone Malaysia's health agenda to nurture healthy generations.

Since 2021, Dugro NextGen NUTRI has been reformulated with Iron Active. The unique blend of iron and vitamin C in the formula can aid in 3X absorption*. Consuming three glasses of Dugro NextGen NUTRI daily provides 100% of the recommended iron intake^.

Along with other essential nutrients, including DHA, calcium, and 21 vitamins and minerals, Dugro supports your children's 360° development and helps them become so much more.

*With an optimal combination ratio of vitamin C to iron between three and four, within the range recommended by WHO to enhance iron absorption.

^Three glasses of Dugro provide 100% of the daily recommended iron intake (RNI Malaysia 2017) for children aged 1-3.

What sets Dugro NextGen NUTRI apart is its Iron Active with 3X absorption*, ensuring that children get the maximum benefit from the nutrients

Watch the video below to find out more: 

In addition, Dugro is running an awareness campaign surrounding IDA, which includes free anaemia screening

Dugro's latest campaign aims to educate Malaysian parents and caregivers about the risks of IDA and its consequences on growth and development. The campaign encourages parents to sign their children up for free anaemia screening, fully sponsored by Dugro. Visit Dugro's website for more information.

Moreover, for those unable to attend the roadshow in person, Dugro offers an online screening tool, the Iron Strong Questionnaire, available on their website. This questionnaire, comprising seven food intake-related questions, helps to identify the risk of IDA among children.

Take the questionnaire here.

For over 60 years, Dugro has been a trusted brand in children's nutrition. Specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of young children, Dugro helps parents and caregivers address these needs effectively.

With Dugro NextGen NUTRI with Iron Active, you're not just giving your child a nutritional boost; you're supporting their 360° development journey, helping them become healthy, happy, and ready to take on the world.

So, whatchu waiting for? Ensure your child gets the iron they need with Dugro NextGen NUTRI with Iron Active.

Right now, Dugro is offering an incredible deal! When you spend RM50 or more, you'll receive a free limited edition Dugro Zat Besi Aktif Bag. There are four exclusive designs to collect. This promotion ends on 30 September.

The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a healthcare professional regarding the reader's own medical care.

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