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5 Ways To Tell If The Broccoli You're Buying Is Fresh & Crunchy

Use these tips on your next grocery trip!

Cover image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

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You know that satisfying crunch when biting into a beautiful piece of broccoli?

With these helpful tips, you can now choose the greenest, crunchiest bunch from the grocery store.

Produce expert and content creator, Thanh Truong, has been supplying Australian grocers and restaurants with produce.

He has since earned the nickname, 'Fruit Nerd', which his friends affectionally started calling him, as he often shares about his knowledge on fruits and vegetables.

In one of his recent viral videos, Truong explained several things you should look out for when buying broccoli.

Image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

Here are his five tips to choose fresh and crunchy broccoli:

1. Look out for an even bead size

Truong explains that if the broccoli has an uneven bead size, it indicates poor growth.

Image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

2. Pick the one with a thick stem

According to the fruiterer, look out for a thick stem, as this often means that the broccoli is healthier and is going to taste better.

Image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

3. Avoid ripe buds that are usually dark yellow or orange

Truong adds that ripe buds are a sign of "incorrect storage and a shortened shelf life".

Image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

4. Avoid loose florets

Broccoli florets that break away from the main stem is a sign of dehydration. He explains that this means the vegetable texture could be floppy.

But if you pick a firmer broccoli, it's more likely to have a crunchy texture.

Image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

5. Avoid flowering buds

In the video, Truong shows a broccoli with protruding buds that are about to flower. He explains that this means the broccoli was harvested too early and may not be as tender.

Image via @thefruitnerd (TikTok)

Although these are all great tips, Truong emphasises that if the broccoli has turned yellow or soft, it is still edible and shouldn't be wasted

It could have turned yellow or soft as a result of incorrect storage, he added.

Watch the full video below:

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