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Malaysians Share Red Flags In Women So You Can Stop Being Delulu (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: Some names have been changed for privacy reasons.

Last week, we asked several of you to share some of the red flags in men that one should look out for and y'all certainly came through

Now, we're back with part two, and this time, we asked a few Malaysians to share the red flags in women that one should not ignore.

1. "We ended up having sex every time I tried to break up with her"

"When I was in a relationship with my ex, we were together but like hush-hush. No one was allowed to know about us because she was scared that her mom would find out.

"That made me feel like we were just dating in the shadows and no one knew about us. It also made me feel like I was not important enough to let people know about our relationship.

"After four years of hiding, I just wanted to break it off, but every time I tried to bring it up, we ended up having sex. In the end, when I finally asked for a breakup, she said, 'Let's have one last f**k'.

"She said she'd change herself for me. But nothing changed and I had already given up by that time."

- Aiman, 30 years old

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2. "My ex was quite flirty and always plays the victim card by blaming her not-so-great relationship with her dad for it"

"Whenever she craves attention, she would resort to self-harm. I put up with all that for some reason.

"But the worst part was, she cheated on me three times. Even after knowing about it the first two times, I forgave her. But the third time, I caught her in the act. I had the keys to her place, walked in, and witnessed it. That was the last straw, and I ended things with her right then and there."

- Reshan, 28 years old

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3. "Acting like a different person than how they were at the beginning of the relationship" — Matthew, 29 years old

4. "When she expects me to pay for everything"

"I don't mind spending when we go out on dates, but it feels unfair when she expects me to pay for everything.

"Also I think it is a red flag when she expects me to give more than what she is willing to give. For instance, insisting that I meet her family for dinner, but immediately refusing to meet mine, even for just a few minutes."

- Timothy, 25 years old

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5. "Women who are insecure and they bring their insecurities into the relationship" — Imelda, 28 years old

6. "Women who cry over small issues till they escalate into significant problems" — Sathya, 29 years old

7. "I had a friend who enjoyed going on dates with different guys just to get a free dinner"

"Sometimes, she even persuades the guys to belanja her expensive items like branded perfumes and shoes. The moment any of these guys brings up the idea of a relationship, she immediately ghosts them."

- Siti Nur Alia, 28 years old

8. "When the girl tries to make a move on your boyfriend during a challenging phase in your relationship"

"I was in a long-distance relationship with my ex. One day, he dropped a bombshell — a girl from his university had straight-up proposed to him. Surprisingly, I wasn't angry; I thought it was normal for someone to develop feelings. I just told my ex to let her down gently.

"But I was flabbergasted when he said she knew we were dating. I'm like, 'Wait, what? Why would she confess to you when she knows we're together?'

"My ex said 'She knows we're together, but she thinks we are not happy. She'd seen us argue on the phone and decided to shoot her shot.'

"I was beyond irritated. That's such a red flag. Trying to snag my guy, knowing he's taken just because she thinks we're not in a good place."

- Asha, 25 years old

9. "Women who constantly put other women down, especially their partner's friends or ex-girlfriends" — Haliza, 25 years old

10. "Girls who don't allow their boyfriends to spend time with their friends" — Bal, 22 years old

11. "I know someone's girlfriend who doesn't allow him to smile a certain way because she said it makes him look ugly"

"As far as I know, the girl is very superficial and always expects him to buy her luxury handbags, and she knows that she is pretty while he isn't as good-looking. She also asks him to only stand at certain angles because she claims that his nose is too big.

"I feel that he should have a bit more pride but he thinks that she makes him look better in photos. So I've got nothing to say, just that I saw red flags hearing it. As long as he's happy."

- Leena, 25 years old

12. "If her friends are ONLY guys because being friends with girls is 'too much drama', RUN and never look back"

"I had a deskmate in high school who was like this. She would always be the type to embarrass girls in front of her 'bros' or she would immediately fix her hair or posture whenever a guy walked in the room.

"Mind you, she had a boyfriend the whole time, but it was sad to see that she didn't treat him like someone special.

"I remember when Black Panther came out, and she wanted to watch it. Instead of taking her actual boyfriend, she brought her BOY BEST FRIEND. Her argument was that she 'wasn't sure if he'd like Black Panther.' I was like, 'Maybe you should ask him instead of assuming'. It was clear she was just all about seeking attention."

- Balqis, 22 years old

Read part one here:

Last year, SAYS asked several Malaysians who they think should pay on a first date and why:

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