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Photographer Captures The Quaint Charm Of A Decades-Old Hair Salon In Kuantan

Simpler times.

Cover image via @tariquenano (Twitter)

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If you look close enough, there's beauty all around us.

Recently, a Malaysian photographer captured a charming, small hair salon in Kuantan as the owner was opening her shop.

Street photographer @tariquenano shared a series of photos that he took of the decades-old hair salon that have since gone viral on Twitter.

Appreciating its old school appeal, Tarique snapped a photo of the hair salon's entrance with an iron gate and wooden window

Above the gate is a signboard that has weathered down over the years with the salon's name written on it, 'Elysée (Unisex) Hair Beauty Salon', in multiple languages.

Behind that gate is a glass sliding door with posters of hairstyles faded from years of exposure to sunlight.

Image via @tariquenano (Twitter)

Tarique shared that as he was taking the photo, the owner said to him, "Aiya, why are you taking photos of this old shop?" to which he replied, "Aunty, your shop is beautifully aesthetic."

And he's not wrong.

The 70-year-old owner shared with Tarique that she inherited the salon from her father, who first opened it when she was in her 20s.

She revealed that people had often stopped by to ask if they could buy her old signboard.

Image via @tariquenano (Twitter)

"Aiya, I normally dress well and put on makeup and everything. Today, I am cincai," she told him, as she quickly did her hair for a mini photoshoot he requested.

Tarique captured these beautiful portrait shots of the owner and later returned with a printed copy for her to keep. 

Image via @tariquenano (Twitter)

Image via @tariquenano (Twitter)

In a later tweet, the photographer shared that someone told him that the aunty was really happy that he had appreciated her shop. She even went around to show neighbouring shops the portrait he had taken of her. <3

It's heartwarming to be able to see the essence of many nostalgic gems around Malaysia, and how they've endured through the years:

In many ways, history has made us who we are today. Look at how much Malaysia has changed:

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