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3 Men In Penang Nabbed For Beating An Injured Dog To Death

Initially, the dog whimpered in pain as it was struck with the blunt objects, but its cries ceased after being hit several more times.

Cover image via Screenshot/SAYS

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On Saturday night, 8 July, an injured black stray dog was killed in Penang by at least two men who bludgeoned it with a wooden club and a stick

The stray dog was earlier injured after a motorcyclist ran over it while it was crossing a poorly lit road.

According to multiple videos recorded and posted online, the men, believed to be motorcyclists, were seen bashing and stabbing the dog, with the wooden club and the stick.

It is believed that one of the two men might have been involved in the collision with the stray. The injured dog could be seen trying to flee after being knocked down. However, the men dragged it back and proceeded to beat it to death.

Initially, the dog whimpered in pain as it was struck with the blunt objects, but its cries ceased after being hit several more times.

At the end of one of the videos, a man could be heard asking the person not to record.

The videos have since been removed.

Following the incident, Penang police have nabbed three men for allegedly killing the dog

According to Penang police chief Datuk Khaw Kok Chin, the three men, aged between 40 and 53, were arrested in Batu Maung at between 11.45pm on Sunday, 9 July, and 1am on Monday, 10 July.

"The suspects are on remand for three days until Wednesday, 12 July, for further investigation. All three suspects do not have criminal records and tested negative for drugs," he said in a statement yesterday.

The three suspects include a cargo agent, a fisherman, and a bus driver.

Image via Screenshot/SAYS

The case is being investigated under Section 29(1) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015 for cruelty to animals

If found guilty, they can be fined up to RM100,000 or sentenced to a maximum of three years in jail, or both.

The police will also investigate the case under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act for offensive digital content if the three suspects are found guilty of the first offence.

"If convicted of the first offence, they can then be investigated under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which carries an imprisonment of one year or a fine of RM50,000, or both, if found guilty," said Khaw.

Recently, a local ustaz shared how he feels responsible for educating the public against any form of animal abuse and spoke about the need for stronger enforcement to stop cruelty against dogs:

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