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"Remember Blake" — Bomba's K9 Unit Gets RM5 Million Allocation In Honour Of Hero Dog

The brave dog was put to sleep last month after his battle with stage four lymphoma.

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In a tribute to one of Malaysia's valiant K9 heroes, Blake, a member of the Fire and Rescue Department's K9 Unit, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced a RM5 million allocation for the welfare for K9 units

While announcing Budget 2024 in parliament today, 13 October, Anwar urged everyone to remember Blake, one of the brave canines involved in the search and rescue mission following the Batang Kali landslide.

The brave dog was put to sleep last month after his battle with stage four lymphoma.

"We must all remember Blake.

"The government will improve the facilities and medical treatment for Bomba's K9 dogs and increase the number of K9 detection dogs for the Fire, Police, and Customs with an allocation of RM5 million," said Anwar.


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Image via SAYS

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