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Did You Know DBKL Has Installed 5,000 AI-Powered CCTVs In The City?

The technology is expected to help DBKL respond faster to emergencies and notify authorities.

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Did you know that the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has installed 5,000 AI-powered CCTVs in hotspots around the city?

In a Facebook post today, 2 December, DBKL said it has cameras placed at many key locations around Kuala Lumpur as part of its urban safety and traffic management efforts.

"The cameras are strategically placed at high-traffic areas, crime-prone areas, public parks, popular destinations like the River of Life, and markets across the city," it said.

According to DBKL, these cameras are equipped with advanced AI technology to detect traffic violations, illegal advertisements, signs of flooding, and suspicious activities.

Image via Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (Facebook)

Image via Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (Facebook)

The technology is expected to help DBKL respond faster to emergencies and notify authorities

"This is a 24/7 monitoring system that provides 360-degree views with a range of 200m, and uses fibre optic connectivity for high-quality images," said DBKL.

The Kuala Lumpur City Command Centre constantly monitors these CCTVs, and is able to keep recordings up to 45 days.

If you require footage to report an incident, DBKL said you can visit its Adu@KL website and provide the location, date, time, and reason for requesting the required footage.

Image via Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (Facebook)

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