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17-Year-Old Girl Dies After Accidentally Falling Asleep On Her Phone While Charging

The teenager was found on her bed laying next to an extension cord that was used to charge her phone.

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A 17-year-old girl was found dead on her bed with her phone underneath her

The body of Khorn Srey Pov, a Chinese translator at the Sing Yon Kong Yik gold mining company, was found in her room in Kratie province, Cambodia, on 27 July.

Initial investigation by the Cambodian officials revealed that after getting out of the shower, the 17-year-old girl plugged her phone into its charger and turned the phone flashlight on.

She then fell asleep on top of her phone, which was still connected to the charger. She died immediately due to the electrocution from the current.

Image via Police Commissariat Of Kreatie Province (Facebook)

While the investigation is still ongoing, authorities issued an urgent warning to the public.

People are warned not to sleep beside any electrical appliances as a safety precaution against electrocution.

The teenager's death has sparked concerns among netizens about the awareness of using electrical appliances safely

According to The Sun, a netizen said, "It is not a good idea to have electrical appliances on the bed with you."

"I see people touching wires on plug extensions all the time, and unfortunate incidents like this happen so often," said another.

Meanwhile, other social media users are calling for more public awareness on electrical safety, reported The Mirror.

They said, "They (the authorities) should be having public awareness campaigns on how to handle electricity."

Another user suggested water as the trigger of the electric shock, saying, "She had just showered, so perhaps she was still wet when she laid down on top of the extension cord."

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