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Influencer Ryzal Duriankimchi Fined RM10,000 For Insulting Traditional Iban Costume

Ryzal likened the ngepan indu attire to items such as a coin purse, a TV stand cover, ragged cloth, and curtains.

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Social media influencer Ryzal Duriankimchi has been fined RM10,000 or sentenced to six months in prison by the Miri Sessions Court in Sarawak

The influencer, whose real name is Nik Muhammad Ryzal Nik Ibrahim, was fined after he mocked the traditional attire of Iban women, known as ngepan indu, reported Kosmo!

Judge Azreena Aziz, who presided over the case, imposed the punishment after considering various aspects, including Ryzal's guilty plea, the facts of the case, and the public interest.

The prosecution was led by deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Mohd Fillanny Siji, with assistance from DPP Ahmad Ihsan Jalalludin.

Ryzal's defence lawyer, Firdaus Morshidi, requested leniency for his client, citing that this was his first offence.

However, the prosecution urged the court to mete out an appropriate punishment as a deterrent to others.

Image via @ryzalibrhm (Instagram)

Ryzal's actions, deemed disrespectful to the Iban community's traditional attire, sparked outrage and led to 27 police reports being lodged against him

The incident took place in May 2021 when Ryzal uploaded an Instagram Story featuring his wife, Maryam You Narae, a 28-year-old popular South Korean TikToker, wearing the traditional attire while putting on makeup in a dressing room.

In the post, Ryzal likened the ngepan indu attire to items such as a coin purse, a TV stand cover, ragged cloth, and curtains.

Maryam You Narae is seen wearing the traditional costume in Ryzal's Instagram Story.

Image via Khairul Amri Hassan (YouTube)

The video of the incident can be found here:

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