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JHEAINS Inspects A Kuala Pilah Kopitiam After Complaints That It Is Frequented By Muslims

The department also urged Muslims to not eat at non-halal premises.

Earlier this week, a group of enforcement officers from the Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAINS) carried out a monitoring inspection on a kopitiam located at Kuala Pilah

In a statement on Friday, 8 January, JHEAINS said that the enforcement activity was carried out after the department received complaints from the public that the premise is frequented by Muslims patrons.

Image via Berita Harian

The inspection, JHEAINS stated, found that the outlet did not employ a Muslim cook and the cooking ingredients were also not certified halal

"Our inspection found that the premises did not have a Muslim cook and the ingredients used for cooking also did not have a halal certificate," read the statement posted on its official Facebook page.

Malay Mail identified the kopitiam as Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Sinaran, a famous local Hailam kopitiam, which is located at Jalan Yam Tuan Raden.

The said kopitiam has never claimed to be halal certified.

According to Malay Mail, Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Sinaran does not serve pork.

Enforcement officers from JHEAINS during the inspection at the kopitiam.

Image via Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan

JHEAINS, which has no power to stop Muslims from eating at the kopitiam as it does not fall under its jurisdiction which only covers Muslims, has since urged Muslims to not eat at non-halal premises

Muslims are urged to refrain from visiting food premises without a halal certificate.

In a report by Harian Metro, the department admitted that they do not have the power to take action on the kopitiam because it is out of their jurisdiction and they also cannot prevent Muslims from dining there.

JHEAINS stated that based on information obtained indeed many among the Malays visit the said kopitiam and that the department cannot do anything except advising Muslims to not do so.

"We can only give advice and Muslims are urged to refrain from visiting non-Muslim food premises that do not have a halal certificate. Muslims should only choose premises which possess halal certificates issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) for dining," JHEAINS said.

On JHEAINS' Facebook page, meanwhile, several netizens have lambasted the department for the unnecessary inspection

"I never knew roti bakar and kopi also got halal and haram," commented a netizen.

"If that's the case then all shops should carry signs 'Islam Sahaja' for Muslim shops and 'Bukan Islam Sahaja' for other shops. Then people can eat and drink in peace without being harassed."

Another netizen said that since the enforcement officers were already there, why don't they try the kopitiam's roti bakar and half-boiled eggs as they are the best.

"Even if the owner is Chinese, that doesn't mean pork is served. I like to go Malay stall and eat nasi lemak and Malay style roti canai too. Food should unite us, not divide us," the netizen added.

Last month, a local assemblyperson objected to the sale of alcohol at Jaya Grocer's newest outlet in Eco Grandeur, Puncak Alam, Selangor:

On the other hand, a local brand has been a victim of boycotts over allegations that it's not halal, among other things, for over a decade:

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