Police: Landlords Can Be Held Liable If Properties Are Used For Criminal Activities
The warning comes after they discovered scam call centres operating out of condominium units in Kuala Lumpur.
The police have warned that landlords will also be held accountable if crimes are committed at the premises they rent out
This comes after the Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) discovered scam call centres operating out of condominium units in Kuala Lumpur.
According to The Star, CCID director Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf said investigations will not only focus on criminals, but also the owners, joint management bodies (JMBs), and security companies overseeing these residences.
"These people can no longer claim ignorance when crimes occur at these premises," he said, emphasising that these parties can also be charged in court should they fail to report any suspicious or criminal activity at properties under their care.
"It is quite alarming that scam syndicates now prefer to set up call centres at condominium units, especially the luxury ones," he told a press conference at CCID headquarters yesterday, 5 March.
Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf.
Image via The Borneo Post/Bernama
Ramli said property owners, JMBs, and security personnel are often aware about the criminal activities, but turn a blind eye for payment
"Scam syndicates often pay rent for up to a year in advance or even buy residential units in cash.
"Owners are just happy to get such a big payment, but they must also be responsible for all activity at their premises or buildings," he warned.
He highlighted recent police raids at three condominiums in the city, which were found to be used as scam call centres.
The CCID director urged all parties, especially property owners, to thoroughly vet their tenants before renting or selling to them
"It is the owners' responsibility to ensure no criminal activity occurs at these premises," he stressed.
He added that those who knowingly allow such activities could be charged under Section 120(B) of the Penal Code for criminal conspiracy.
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