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A Longhouse In Sarawak Caught On Fire & It Took The Bomba 6 Hours To Get There

Fortunately, all 46 residents of the longhouse were unhurt.

Cover image via Berita Harian Buletin TV3

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A longhouse in a remote area in Sarawak was destroyed by a fire on Tuesday, 28 May, affecting 14 families

According to the New Straits Times, the fire broke out at 5am, but the firefighters only arrived at 3pm due to the remoteness of the location.

Marudi Fire and Rescue Station chief Maureen Sim Ah Lian said the State Fire and Rescue Department only received information about the fire at 9am yesterday morning.

They then immediately dispatched three members and two fire investigation officers to the scene.

Image via New Straits Times

Although they were the closest station to the fire, they were still 248km away

Sim said the journey was made more difficult by the rain, slippery dirt roads, and limited visibility.

Communication was also difficult as there was no telecommunication coverage at the village.

"Firefighters arrived at the location at 3.04pm. The fire involved 14 residential units, while a Toyota Hilux pickup and a Honda Wave motorcycle were also destroyed," said the chief.

Image via Berita Harian

Fortunately, all 46 residents of the longhouse were unhurt

"The fire started at about 5am. Villagers managed to stop the fire from spreading to the adjacent longhouse, which is just 3m away, by pouring water," said Sim.

Further investigations are now being carried out to identify the cause of the fire as well as assess the estimated losses suffered by the residents.

The Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department has also called on the public to remain vigilant regarding fire safety, especially with Hari Gawai festivities around the corner.

If you ever witness a fire, you only have a small window of opportunity to take action:

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