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MAVCOM Instructs MYAirline To Refund Passengers After Its Sudden Suspension

There was no mention of refunds in MYAirline's statement this morning, 12 October.

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The Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM) is holding MYAirline accountable for the consumers affected by its sudden suspension of operations today, 12 October

In a statement today, 12 October, MAVCOM said it is instructing MYAirline to refund travellers who may have standing flight bookings with the airline.

"The commission stands firm that MYAirline is still liable to refund consumers who have purchased tickets with the airline but are unable to travel," it added.

MYAirline had announced the suspension of its operations earlier today, citing significant financial pressures, and had asked affected passengers to seek alternative travel arrangements to their destinations.

There was no mention of refunds in MYAirline's statement this morning.

Image via New Straits Times

The aviation regulator has instructed MYAirline to notify all affected customers of the suspension and to publish the notification on all of the carrier's available communication channels

MAVCOM has also urged affected consumers who have made flight bookings on MYAirline from 12 October onwards to contact the airline's dedicated complaint channel:

The aviation regulatory body said it has put in place dedicated hotlines and channels to assist consumers affected by MYAirline's sudden suspension.

It has also instructed the airline to discontinue all sales and booking of flights on its booking platforms until further notice.

Meanwhile, MAVCOM said it is currently investigating MYAirline based on internal reviews and complaints received

In the same statement, the commission said it has received complaints regarding unpaid salaries to the airline's employees, among others.

More information will be provided in due course, said MAVCOM.

MYAirline announced the suspension of its operations effective immediately this morning:

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