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Nobody Seems To Know What That Bright UFO Captured On Hari Kebangsaan Night Was

The sighting continues to remain a mystery for experts at the Malaysian Space Agency.

Cover image via @styflystudio (TikTok)

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A bright 'foreign' object captured in the skies over Kuala Lumpur at 12.30am on Thursday, 31 August, continues to leave experts puzzled

The Malaysian Space Agency's (MYSA) investigation into the sighting found no conclusive evidence to suggest that the bright object was a celestial body such as a comet, meteor, or asteroid.

"Up to this point, major international space monitoring agencies, including The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) and the International Meteor Organization (IMO), have neither detected nor reported any entry of space objects," a MYSA official told Harian Metro today, 6 September.

Furthermore, the Centre for Orbital and Re-entry Debris Studies (CORDS), responsible for monitoring space debris re-entry, reported no signs of space debris activity on that particular date.

The national space agency official, who was not named in the report, also confirmed that the object was unrelated to the Perseid meteor shower, which occurred between 17 July and 24 August this year.

"No space phenomena were predicted to occur on the date in question, except for the predicted sighting of Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) in the eastern part of Malaysia from mid-August to 7 September," the official stated, adding that this comet was only seen in the early hours of the morning, shortly before sunrise.

The MYSA official suggested that the bright object in question is probably linked to human activities rather than a cosmic event, due to the absence of a clear connection to known space phenomena

The mysterious sighting captivated the public's imagination after the video was posted on TikTok by one Zareff Zamuren. At the time of writing, the video has close to 125,000 views and over 600 comments.

Speaking to SAYS earlier this week, Zareff, who is a hobbyist photographer, shared that he was using a DJI Mavic 3 Pro, a drone camera, to capture the fireworks show for Malaysia's 66th Hari Kebangsaan celebration.

However, after he reviewed the footage, he realised he had captured a moving bright object, which he said did not resemble a normal plane and made him suspect that he had captured a meteor sighting.

Watch the footage here:

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