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PDRM: Employer Who Assaulted 2 Bodyguards For Fasting Has Underworld Links

The police have seized RM28.45 million worth of valuables — including 100kg worth of gold bars — from the employer, who is believed to be a leader of a syndicate.

Cover image via Sinar Harian Harian Metro

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Following the arrest of an employer who had two of his bodyguards beaten with canes until they were bruised, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) discovered that the person has underworld links

According to Harian Metro, the suspect is said to be a 'leader' of a syndicate who has been conducting illegal businesses for the past five years in the country.

Selangor police chief CP Datuk Arjunaidi Mohamed revealed that the suspect allegedly runs illegal gambling and loan shark activities.

Other than the employer, three other suspects were also arrested after the bodyguards lodged a police report over the incident.

It was previously reported that the bodyguards were assaulted at a house in Batu Nilam, Klang for fasting during Ramadan. While they were being caned, a gun was also allegedly pointed at one of them.

"After the arrest was made, we conducted an inspection and found a total of 12,500 pieces of US dollar notes as well as 100 pieces of gold ingots weighing 1kg each," said Arjunaidi.

"The total value of items seized is estimated to be RM28.45 million based on the current gold price."

Image via Harian Metro

Also seized during the raid were a pistol, 10 bullets, five mobile phones, and canes believed to have been used to hit the victims

A photo published in Harian Metro shows one of the canes is thick — looking almost like a club — while the other cane is thin.

The four suspects, aged between 35 and 43, have no previous criminal record. Three of them will be remanded for three days, while one will be remanded for seven days, reported Kosmo!.

The case is being investigated under Section 324, 298, and 307 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt with dangerous weapons, uttering words with an intent to wound the religious feelings of any person, and attempt of murder respectively.

Image via Berita Harian

When asked if the suspects are connected to the 'Nicky Gang', Arjuandi stressed that investigations from all angles are underway

He said the case will also be investigated under Section 4(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act, and Section 5(2) of the Moneylenders Act.

If convicted, the heftiest penalties from all the mentioned provisions are 20 years' imprisonment for attempt of murder and 15 years' imprisonment for money laundering.

In the meantime, Arjuandi urged calm from members of the public, saying the case has no racial or religious elements.

Image via Bernama via Free Malaysia Today

The bodyguards were taken to the employer's home in Klang before another person was ordered to beat them using canes while pointing a gun at them:

Earlier this month, Datuk Seri Nicky Liow Soon Hee and his associates were charged in court even though he is still at large:

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