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S'pore Intelligence Firm Claims Data Of 17 Million Malaysian ICs Being Sold On Dark Web

The National Cyber Security Agency (NASCA) is currently investigating the matter.

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A dark web threat intelligence firm in Singapore claims that data from 17 million Malaysian MyKad has been breached and is being sold online

In an X post yesterday, 4 December, StealthMole said the perpetrators shared photos of Malaysian ICs as proof of possessing the data.

"This massive data breach raises concerns as it could lead to serious crimes like identity theft and financial fraud," it said.

Image via @stealthmole_int (X)

At the time of writing, the post has garnered over 600,000 views

One netizen remarked that the photos appear to be similar to those taken for know-your-customer verification processes.

"I'm worried now because there are many apps that ask me to upload my IC for verification," added another person.

Image via X

In response to the claim, the National Cyber Security Agency (NASCA) said it is currently investigating the matter

"We understand this is a concerning issue for the public and want to assure you that we are taking it very seriously.

"Our experts are investigating the situation thoroughly to verify the authenticity of these claims and assess the extent of any potential compromise.

"NASCA is committed to safeguarding personal data and will take necessary action based on our findings," The Star quoted the agency as saying today, 4 December.

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