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[VIDEO] Angry Man Sets Woman's Car On Fire After She Rejected His Feelings

A closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera caught the suspect deliberately pouring fuel on the car and setting it ablaze.

Cover image via @bharianmy (Twitter)

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A man, angered after having his love rejected, set a woman's car on fire in Selangor last Sunday, 5 December

A one-minute-and-28-second long video of the incident has been widely circulated on social media.

It shows closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage of the man riding his motorcycle to the scene, pouring fuel all over a car, before using a lighter to set it ablaze.

According to Harian Metro, the incident took place around 5.20am at an apartment in Taman Bukit Serdang.

Image via @bharianmy (Twitter)

Serdang district police chief AA Anbalagan said a neighbour who saw the car go up in flames alerted the victim who was at home

"The victim, who was shocked, then came down from her house and found that her car was on fire and was getting extinguished by firefighters," said the district police chief.

He added that the car that was parked beside hers was damaged as well.

Image via @bharianmy (Twitter)

After viewing the CCTV recordings and some investigation, the police managed to apprehend the suspect at Bandar Kinrara, Puchong on the same day

Anbalagan said the police seized a motorcycle, a pair of shoes, clothes, and a lighter believed to be used during the incident.

He added that the 29-year-old suspect has no past criminal records and tested negative in a urine drug test.

The case is being investigated under Section 435 of the Penal Code for committing mischief by fire and the suspect is in remand for five days until Friday, 10 December.

Watch CCTV footage of the incident here:

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