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9 Jobs That May Become Obsolete In 2050 Because The Robots Are Taking Over

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been rapidly growing in development across all industries

From healthcare to telecommunications, it's not unheard of for many industries to use AI in the 21st century to streamline their efficiencies.

However, as AI grows to be more dependable, it begs the question — can AI actually replace our jobs?

According to the World Economic Forum, AI is set to replace 85 million jobs across the world by 2025, but the technology is also set to create 97 million new jobs as well.

That aside, here are nine jobs that have a chance of being replaced by AI by 2050:

1. Writers and journalists

Image via Judit Peter/Pexels

There already exists AI-powered tools like ChatGPT that can generate news articles, product descriptions, and even fiction. However, while AI technology has made significant progress in this area, there's still a lot of work to be done.

Writing is still as skill that requires a lot of creativity and critical thinking that involves more than just stringing words together. A good writer needs to be able to express their ideas clearly and engage the reader, and this requires a level of emotional intelligence and intuition that AI currently lacks.
Chance of being replaced: Until the robots can make better jokes than me, never.

2. Graphic designers

This image was generated by an AI programme.

Image via The New York Times

From creative logos to high-quality graphics, AI can now generate an image for you in a matter of seconds, and all you need is to prompt a few keywords.

It is one of the prospects that have made significant strides in the fields of machine learning, and while it has helped a lot of people, it has garnered quite a number of controversies too, mainly due to the issues of royalty and credits.

Chance of being replaced: Likely, to a certain degree for basic graphic design needs. But the good news is that graphic design is still an art and requires a level of creativity and intuition — if you've got that, you're safe for now.

3. Data entry executives

Image via

Essentially, automating data-entry with AI isn't a bad idea, because it streamlines repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Additionally, AI can also improve accuracy over human errors such as typos or incorrect formatting.

Some examples of data entry jobs are administrative assistants, transcriptionists, clerks, and many more.

Chance of being replaced: Highly likely. It's already happening.

4. Financial analysts

Image via wirestock/freepik

Financial analysts spend a significant amount of time analysing financial data from a variety of sources, such as company reports and market trends.

AI-powered algorithms can be used to automatically analyse this data, making it possible to quickly identify patterns and trends that might be difficult or time-consuming for humans to detect. The data is then used to make predictions about future market trends, potentially making it easier for financial analysts to make accurate investment recommendations.

Chances of being replaced: AI may excel in the calculation side of things, but companies will still need a professional to help make decisions.

5. Lawyer or legal assistant

Image via pressfoto/freepik

We don't believe AI is currently reliable enough to replace people working in the legal field, but it has the potential to significantly transform the legal profession by automating many of the routine and repetitive tasks that lawyers perform.

This includes, but is not limited to, legal research and document review, both of which involve reading large volumes of legal documents and identifying legal precedents.

That being said, there's still an extensive amount of things that the legal field requires qualified professionals to do, ranging from interpreting legal information, providing legal advice, negotiating settlements, and, well, actually representing clients in court. :P

Chance of being replaced: Unlikely. Unless robots start wearing suit and ties, and learn how to argue better than us. :')

6. Retail workers

Image via Lifestylememory/freepik

AI-powered robots can already perform tasks such as restocking shelves and providing customer service in retail stores. They can also help a lot at checkout counters by powering payment processing systems that can automate the payment process, reducing the need for human cashiers.

This technology is expected to become more widespread in the future, reducing the need for human input in these tasks.

Chance of being replaced: Likely. But may still need people to oversee and deal with customer complaints.

7. On-road transportation services

Image via UD Trucks (Youtube)

This might be way, waaay into the future, but the technology used in Tesla's electric and automatic-driving cars can be more widespread across all vehicles in the future.

Self-driving cars and trucks are already being tested on public roads, and it's only a matter of time before they become mainstream.

Autonomous vehicles are expected to revolutionise the transportation industry, reducing the need for human drivers and reducing costs associated with accidents and human error.

Chance of being replaced: Likely for delivery of goods, but not for e-hailing drivers or dispatchers.

8. Customer service assistants

Image via AiChat

AI-powered chatbots are increasingly being used in the customer service industry to provide 24/7 support to customers. They can answer simple questions, direct customers to the right departments, and handle complaints.

These chatbots can also be installed with a sentiment analysis system that can understand customer feedback and determine whether customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with their interactions with a company. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement and provide more personalised customer support.

Chance of being replaced: They've helped streamline a lot of customer service efficiencies, but the jury's still out on whether they'll completely replace human intervention.

9. Accountants

Image via EduSpiral Consultant Services

There's an extensive amount of AI-powered accounting software that accountants use to automate tasks such as bookkeeping and tax preparation, and it's only expected to grow even further over time.

Chance of being replaced: Likely to streamline calculations and data collecting. It may actually make accountants' lives easier instead of taking over their jobs. But, you never know.

As long as you keep upskilling to meet the demands of changing job fields, you'll be fine. :)

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Previously, we used ChatGPT to write an article for us. This is what it wrote:

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