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Did You Know About This Hidden Emoji Game In Your Instagram DMs?

Wait, when was this a thing?!

Cover image via Celine Low/SAYS

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If you ever get bored while scrolling on Instagram, you can find this secret emoji game tucked away in your DMs!

To start the game, you just need to initiate a chat, send a single, random emoji, and then tap on it.

You'll be taken to a new space adorned with a bright yellow background and a black paddle at the bottom of your screen, with your chosen emoji bouncing around the screen.

The rules of the game are simple: keep your emoji in the air and bouncing incessantly by controlling the paddle from side to side. 

Let your emoji plummet, and it's game over.

Watch the video below to see how you can access this secret game:

The longer you keep your emoji airborne, the faster it bounces and the more challenging it becomes to keep up the pace

Image via Celine Low/SAYS

You also gain points along the way and the colour of the background darkens as you progress further in the game.

As the game progresses, certain emojis can evolve into a different emojis

We tried with a caterpillar emoji, which tranformed into a butterfly.

Image via Celine Low/SAYS

The grape emoji turns into a glass of wine.

(It doesn't break though, unlike an actual glass of wine, which is a little disappointing.)

Image via Celine Low/SAYS

An egg hatches to become a baby chick, before growing to become a chicken.

Image via Celine Low/SAYS

Some emojis don't change, but have little surprises instead.

For example, a red heart floats out of the hand heart emoji every time it hits the paddle.

Image via Celine Low/SAYS

Your highest score is saved, so you can keep coming back to try and beat it

And don't worry about losing your progress if you switch DMs — your high score sticks around.

But before you try it out, tell your friends about it first. Otherwise, they'll be left wondering why you sent them a random emoji with zero context or a follow-up message.

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