
12 Amazing Ways Tom Holland Is Pretty Much Spider-Man In Real Life

He spends a lot of time upside down, for one.

Cover image via Instagram @tomholland2013

1. Tom has been a huge fan of Spider-Man since he was a little kid. In fact, it's probably his all-time favourite superhero.

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"I reckon I had 30 Spiderman costumes over the years since I was a little baby. I had Spiderman bed sheets," he said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, adding that he even begged his agents to get him an audition when Marvel announced that they were recasting the role.

On that note, Tom's mum still kept his first ever Spidey shirt 'til this day (below)!

2. As any Spidey fan would, he's got Spider-Man action figures lying around the house and even acting as a "car guardian"

FUN FACT: Tom bought the Spider-Man Funko Pop above five years ago. Little did he know that he'd be playing his lifelong hero today!

3. Like Spidey, Tom is often seen hanging out on surfaces above ground... and looks real fine while he's doing it. ;)

4. If that's not Spidey enough, Tom also spends a lot of time with his feet NOT touching the ground

In fact, the former gymnast did loads of flips for his audition tape.

"I was a gymnast when I was a kid, so I did a backflip, just to show Marvel that I could do that sort of stuff. I was like, "Hi, I'm Tom Holland." Backflip. "I'm from London." Side flip. "I'm five-foot-seven." Front flip. I had a lot of fun making those tapes," he said.

5. We're having mini heart attacks yet feeling rather impressed by him flippin' and twistin' in mid-air

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6. Seriously, what even is gravity to Tom Holland?

7. Yoooo... check out that superhero landing!

8. Even Chris Evans a.k.a. Captain America himself thinks Tom is the perfect Spider-Man. #CapCertified

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Image via Tumblr
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9. Spider-Man has his iconic theme song, so does Tom. By that, we mean you'll never listen to Rihanna's 'Umbrella' the same way ever again after watching his iconique dance moves.

10. Even superheroes need their coffee, so here's Peter Parker, er... Tom Holland walking into a Starbucks with a black hoodie over his Spidey costume

11. Peter Parker takes photos of himself as Spider-Man? SO DOES TOM HOLLAND.

12. Last but not least, let's just take a few moments to appreciate how cute Tom is when he's around Spidey's little fans

This warms my stone cold heart.

Catch Tom Holland in 'Spider-Man: Far From Home*, now playing in cinemas! Watch our interview with him here:

Also, see these super cute baby photos of Tom Holland and his MCU co-stars:

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