
If You’re A BlGBANG Fan, You'll Relate To Every Point On This List

V.I.P for life yo!

Cover image via MaeMaeTwin (DeviantArt)

1. You know all their full, real names by heart...

Image via Pinterest

How could you NOT know? It's basic knowledge!

2. ...and also all the meanings behind their stage names and special pendants

Hover your cursor over each image to educate yourself if you're some kind of lowly peasant who doesn't already know.

G-Dragon was so named as a twist on his real name Kwon Jiyong. 'Ji' sounds like the letter 'G' and 'yong' means dragon in Korean. His pendant is a star with his favourite cap on it, meaning "to become a big star in the industry".

Image via vipbang (Tumblr)

Taeyang means 'sun' in Korean. His pendant is a crown over his initials 'YB', meaning "to become the best in the music industry".

Image via vipbang (Tumblr)

T.O.P's stage name was randomly given to him by a senior labelmate Se7en. His pendant is a hand holding a megaphone, meaning "to inspire people with his voice and become big".

Image via vipbang (Tumblr)

Daesung goes by his real name for the most part but his Japanese stage name D-Lite is a play on words for 'delight'. His pendant is the Earth held between a pair of headphones, meaning "to let the whole world listen to your music".

Image via vipbang (Tumblr)

Seungri means 'victory' in Korean and his Japanese stage name V.I also carries the same meaning. His pendant is a flag with a 'V' on it, on a disc with a ring around it, meaning "a new style of music set on the music industry".

Image via vipbang (Tumblr)

3. You even know what their stage names could have been and thank your lucky stars that they weren't chosen

Mark instead of T.O.P?! Seriously, Mark?! What on earth were you thinking Papa YG...

Image via Giphy

4. You can sing all of their songs in its entirety, including GD and T.O.P's rap parts

^ Pftttt, amateur.

5. You can't really decide on what your fav song is cause they're all just too eargasmic

Image via Giphy

6. You own every single album ever produced and we really mean EVERY SINGLE ONE (even all the repacks, special editions, solos, sub-units and concert DVDs)

Image via axe@collection


7. Listening to 'Haru Haru' never fails to make you cry because the feels and angst are just TOO.REAL. T___T

8. Especially if it's live and/or acoustic because it just sounds that much more emotional

Plus it's one of those rare K-pop songs with a Japanese version that sounds equally amazing as the original.

9. You will fight anyone who says their harmonies aren't utter magical perfection to the death

10. The end of 'Tonight' gets you EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Image via kpop selca

How are our poor hearts supposed to withstand the lethal combination that is T.O.P's whispered "goodnight" in his deep, sensual voice plus that eyebrow quirk he always does during live stages?!

11. Sure you think a panda is cute but you're not thinking of the same kind of panda as everyone else :P

12. You auto-complete the sentence in your head every time you hear someone say "wow!"

Image via Giphy

13. You'll straight up MURDER anyone who says that Daesung is unattractive and/or untalented

More like underrated and underappreciated! It's okay Daesung, Malaysia loves you! <3

14. You know that 'crayon' isn't just a simple colouring tool but also a battle cry + clever pun all in one

15. You accept and even grow to love their ridiculous hairstyles...

Our beloved maknae Seungri seems to be the only one still safe from an entry in the Hairstyle Hall of Shame.

Image via Soompi
Image via DramaFever
Image via Pinterest
Image via K Bites

16. ...and can totally use them to tell the eras apart

Image via Pinterest

Imagine if 'Guess That Era' was a legit exam question. Confirm full marks man!

17. The wait to see T.O.P shirtless WAS TOO DAMN LONG and you're so thankful that it's finally over

Image via REBRN

We came SO CLOSE to it the 'We Like 2 Party' music video (that pool scene was such a tease, ugh). So let's all be extremely grateful for his role in 'Tazza 2' for getting him to finally shed some layers and bless our eyes with all his shirtless glory.

18. But you're super thankful that the other members weren't shy about showing off in the meantime ;)

19. And of course we can't talk about shirtless moments without highlighting Taeyang hehe you're welcome

Image via Tumblr
Image via DramaFever

20. You can't take 'Secret Garden' as a drama seriously anymore because BIGBANG's version is too freaking hilarious XD

21. You're willing to line up for hours under the blazing hot Msian sun just to buy tickets for their concert or get into the stadium ASAP

^ Actual photo from the ticket launch for the Malaysia leg of the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012. :O

22. You cry at the super mahal concert tix but are willing to spend on them anyway cause you know that it'll be SO. WORTH. IT.

Image via onehallyu

Mmhmm yeah good for you Papa YG. Meanwhile we're over here eating Maggi and Gardenia bread for the rest of the month cause we're broke af now.

23. You've gotten together with fellow V.I.Ps to learn their choreo and film a dance cover at least once before

24. You get super excited when you hear others around you talking about BIGBANG...

Image via Giphy

25. ...only to end up annoyed when you realise they meant the TV show

Image via Giphy

26. You've tried to imitate their style and then realised that only they can make it look good

27. Every time you think you've finally decided on a bias for good, someone else comes along to ruin that conviction

28. You know that they just keep getting better and better as the years go by both in terms of looks and musicality

Image via allkpop

29. You dread them all going off one by one for their mandatory military service :(

Image via Github

It just won't be the same without all 5 of them!

30. And dread the day they all go their separate ways even more </3

Image via Giphy

You're going to be completely inconsolable when that day eventually comes but for now let's just continue living in denial shall we?

What other things do you think makes you BIGBANG's one true fan? Let us know in the comments section below! :)

Pssst, we're giving away tickets to BIGBANG's upcoming concert right here in Malaysia :D Find out how to win here. Good luck!

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Seriously. Stop.

Last year, we got to go to the MAMA Awards 2015 in Hong Kong!

Just in case.