
M'sian Wins RM50K By Guessing Celeb Laughs On Fly FM & They're Giving Out Another RM50K!

All you have to do is follow Fly FM on Instagram, include #FlyWatch when uploading photos on your feed, and keep your account public.

Cover image via Fly FM (Provided to SAYS) & @flyfm958 (Instagram)

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If you listen to Fly FM, you'll know that they recently gave out RM50,000 to one of their listeners, who won the radio station's RM1,000,000 Mystery Laughs campaign :D

Just last month, lucky listener Farah called in and correctly identified the five mystery laughs played on-air as Doja Cat, Bruno Mars, Billie Eilish, Rihanna, and Brad Pitt, winning her RM50,000, fuyohhhh!

Watch all the excitement that went down when she won:

And now, Fly FM has come up with another exciting campaign, Fly Watch, in which you can win your share of RM50,000, woohooooo!

Guys, it's sooooo easy to win, you know. You'll definitely rugi if you don't try!

All you have to do is follow Fly FM on Instagram, include #FlyWatch when uploading photos on your feed, and keep your account public.

Fly FM will stalk the posts with the hashtag online, and drop clues on-air about who they're watching, which might be YOU!

If you think it's you who's being watched, be the first caller through at at 03-77241144 to win your share of RM50,000!

Or, if you think that it's your friend who's being watched, you can still call in. In that case, Fly FM will split the cash between the both of you, yaaaay! Can share share, hehe. ;)

Make sure to listen to Fly FM all day long so you don't miss out on the clues, okay?

Stay tuned to Fly FM with Douglas Lim and Ili in the morning from 6am to 10am on weekdays, followed by Natalie from 10am to 4pm, Fly FM drive with Ryan at 4pm to 8pm, and Juanita every weekday from 8pm to 12am.

Additionally, you can also stream Fly FM through the Audio+ app, the radio station's YouTube channel (Fly TV), as well as their website.

Terms and conditions apply. Get more information about Fly Watch here.

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