
These Kids Are Setting Up Stalls To Hold Their Own Business Fair & It's The Cutest Thing

The entrepreneurs are aged five to 15!

Cover image via Acton KL (Provided to SAYS)

The Children's Business Fair (CBF) is back with 35 young entrepreneurs aged five to 15 showcasing their products and services

This will be the fourth instalment of the ever-popular CBF. Boasting a variety of products from handmade goods to homemade food, and everything in between, these kids mean business! 

You can look forward to getting your hands on all kinds of wares, as diverse and unique as a child's imagination.

Here are the details:
Date: Saturday, 18 June
Time: 12pm - 4pm
Location: The School by Jaya One
Admission: Free, open to public

At the CBF, these young minds have a chance to experience the power of the '3 Magic Seeds of Entrepreneurship':

1. Creating and marketing a product
2. Selling to a stranger (safely)
3. Experiencing the freedom and responsibility of having money

The children are solely responsible for the setup, sales, and interaction with customers, and are encouraged to do it all on their own

You'll be surprised how independent kids can be when given the right opportunity and guidance!

This event is sponsored by Acton Academy KL, the Acton School of Business, and the generous support of donors and volunteers, who all believe that principled entrepreneurs are heroes and role models for the next generation.

Through entrepreneurship, the children are taught the importance of innovation, job creation, and serving the community.

"Today’s youths are tomorrow's business innovators and leaders. The Children's Business Fair gives students the opportunity to spread their entrepreneurial wings and get a head start in promising business careers," said Jeff Sandefer, founder of the Acton School of Business

ActonKL is a learner-driven school where students embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowering them to find and nurture their passions, and develop a vision of who they want to be in the world.

Through hard work, they develop the academic and real-world skills to become the best version of themselves, and emerge with a lifelong love of learning, as well as the mindset and skills to make a difference in our ever-changing world.

For more information, visit the Children's Business Fair

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