
Here Are All The Different Types Of Passports Available In Malaysia

More than just the iconic red one you probably have!

Cover image via Canva , Immigration Department of Malaysia , Carousell

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1. Regular international passport

Image via Canva

This is the standard passport issued to Malaysian citizens for international travel purposes. It allows holders to travel overseas for leisure, business, or personal reasons, and features the iconic red cover.

In 1998, the regular international passport incorporated biometric features, making them machine-readable. This allows bearers a faster journey through airport immigration counters and enhances security.

The regular passport costs:
- RM200 for citizens aged 13 to 59
- RM100 for children below 13, senior citizens aged 60 and over, students studying degree programmes abroad, pilgrims going for Hajj
- Free for people with disabilities (OKU) 

The Malaysian passport is currently ranked 12th in the world on the Henley Passport Index.

2. Diplomatic passport

Image via Laila Zain/SAYS

Diplomatic passports are issued to Malaysian diplomats, government officials, dignitaries, and their dependents. It grants diplomatic immunity and facilitates travel for official government business.

In Malaysia, diplomatic passports are issued by the Immigration Department following approval from the Foreign Affairs Ministry (Wisma Putra). Malaysian diplomats are entitled to possess diplomatic passports when they are assigned to work at an embassy abroad. When they are posted overseas, their spouse and children will also receive diplomatic passports.

3. Official passport

Note: We couldn't find a picture of the official passport. Sed. :(

The official passport, or pasport rasmi, is granted exclusively to Malaysian government officials travelling abroad for official duties. It signifies the bearer's affiliation with the Malaysian government.

It is issued by the Immigration Department with approval from Wisma Putra.

4. Restricted passport to Brunei

The restricted passport, or pasport terhad, is issued to Malaysian citizens for travel to a specific country only. Currently, restricted passports are only issued for travel to Brunei. 

Only Malaysian citizens residing in Sarawak, Sabah, and Labuan are eligible to apply. The restricted passports have blue covers, are valid for five years, and cost RM50.

Meanwhile, there are also passports that have been discontinued:

Hajj passport

Image via Carousell

The Hajj passport was formerly issued to Malaysians going for their Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Applications had to be done through Tabung Haji, and the passports had green covers.

Hajj passports were discontinued in 2009 and pilgrims now use regular international passports.

Restricted passport to Singapore

Image via Carousell

Similar to the restricted passport to Brunei, the restricted passport to Singapore was issued only for Malaysians travelling to the city-state.

Following Singapore's requirements to have travel documents valid for a minimum of six months, the Malaysian restricted passports ceased to be valid. From mid-2006, Malaysians must use a regular international passport to enter Singapore.

Have you ever seen what Malaysian ICs used to look like?

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