
17 Unforgettable Things You Can Relate To As An Arts Stream Student

"Arts stream? You want to draw for a living?"

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1. When people don’t understand what your stream means

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"Arts stream? Wah, you want to draw for a living? You want to become an artist is it?"


2. If you voluntarily chose to be in arts stream, everyone always asks "BUT WHY??!"

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3. Your parents acted like it’s the end of the world that you’re in arts stream

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4. "Your PMR results must be really bad. No wonder."

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Wah, this one damn stereotype.

5. "Actually, what can you study after you graduate ah?"

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There's law, accounting, communications, marketing, business and the list goes on and on and on. :)

6. So you eventually got tired of explaining yourself

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7. You escaped Add Maths only to be stuck with the horror that is Prinsip Perakaunan

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Kunci kira-kira, enough said.

8. Trying to figure out the difference between Ekonomi Asas and Perdagangan

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Same same but different.

9. Getting terrified by the sheer volume of theoretical stuff you have to memorise

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10. There are times you wished you chose science stream, but after hearing your friends complain - you're glad you didn't

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11. You spent lots of cash on SUCCESS and Pelangi revision books and tuition

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Eh, we also buy books ok.

12. From time to time, your science stream friends get jealous of you because of your "easy" classes and "free time"

Easy? You're welcome to sit in on any of my classes.

13. Admittedly, you do have a little more time to laze around and chill lah

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14. No one lets you complain about how stressed out you are

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Because arts stream students aren't supposed to be stressed out right? We don't study after all.

15. Your hands were always on the verge of getting carpal tunnel syndrome after exams

You had to write really fast too! You snooze, you lose.

16. But on the bright side, our exams usually finish earlier!

Image via Astro Awani


17. Last but not least, you had no regrets going for arts stream because you've made some great friends and memories! :)

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