
Quarantine Is Making People Workout... Including These Penguins In Singapore Zoo

Putting their quarantine time to good use.

Cover image via Wildlife Reserves Singapore/Mothership & Wildlife Reserves Singapore/Facebook

Like many people in quarantine, penguins in Singapore are also using this time to get into shape

Wildlife Reserves Singapore posted a video today, 29 April, showing Singapore Zoo's African penguins waddling about in an indoor obstacle course set up by the zoo staff.

In the video, the group had just popped up from a swim and seemed a little taken aback by their sudden home transformation.

All it took was one brave penguin to take the first step forward into their "new" exhibit and the rest eventually joined.

Small bridges, slides, balls, and other objects were added in for the animals to navigate around

In their natural habitat, these penguins live in colonies near sandy areas and steep, rocky sites

The staff replicated that by building slopes and barriers to help the birds strengthen their legs.

Penguins will always look adorable no matter what they do.

Watch them waddle about and exercise in the obstacle course here:

If penguins can do it, so can you. Sweat out all that snacking with these home workouts:

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