
15 Things We Used To Do During Waktu Rehat In School (Besides Eating, Of Course)

Oh, don't you miss the good old days?

Cover image via Edited by SAYS

1. Sleep

Image via Get A Viral

Whether it's the surau, class, library, or the canteen, we have all slept at least once during recess.

2. Run like lightning to the canteen so you don’t have to line up for food

Queueing up at the canteen can be a real pain in the a**. Here’s where we thank the nice teachers who let us out early for recess. :p

3. Wait for your friends outside their class so you can jalan to the canteen together-gether

Image via AT&T

You don't go to the canteen without your squad. Squad goals.

4. Go window shopping at the koperasi

Image via Tugas Sekolah

Time to stock up on snacks and candy (so you can curi-curi eat in class shhh…)!

5. "Eh, lend me 50 cents, can ah?"

Image via Duit Singgit

That is because your friend wants to buy either more food or snacks from the koperasi.

90% of the time, you won't get your money back.

6. Sneak off to the library to finish your homework

That "Oh sh*t!" moment when your classmate reminds you of a homework that has to be submitted after recess.

7. Be jealous of that one friend who always brings nice and healthy food from home

Image via Aroma Cookery

We'll be like, "Eh your food looks nice lah" but the truth is, we just wanted a bite.

8. ‘Chup’ a table

9. Call your parents because you left your BM textbook at home

Image via Aisyah Azeera

Eh, last time no handphone ok.

10. Eat as fast as you can so you can go play football with your friends...

Image via IPG

If there's a ball lying around somewhere on the court or field, you can bet the boys would pick it up and play with it.


11. Or one of these classic games

Image via HypeQuiva
Image via JinnyboyTV

Kejar-kejar, police and thief, rock paper scissors, pepsi cola, main tiang, ketingting… you name it, we’ve played it.

12. Walk around the school grounds because you don't want to enter class so soon

A trip to the toilet to check if hair game is on point, visit friends from other class, and walk aimlessly around the school. Lepak lu.

13. Try to cram everything in for your exam because you left all your studying ’til the last minute

Image via Sinar Harian

You might laugh but that extra 20 minutes of study could be the difference between a B and an A. The typical Malaysian way.

14. Some of the extreme ones would panjat pagar to ponteng sekolah…

Image via Utusan

While there were students who used recess time to sneak out of school for food, there were also students who would sneak out of school entirely!

High chances are, they could be found at a nearby cyber cafe playing 'Counter-Strike 1.6' or 'Dota' though.

15. Or simply because they want to eat outside because the food sucks

Image via Erabaru

"Makanan kantin tak best. Jom makan kat luar".

When you've eaten the same canteen food for five years, you are bound to get sick and tired of it.

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