
Woman Gets Mushroom Kit As Birthday Present, Grows It, Then Fries And Eats It

Fun activity!

Cover image via Nurul Tasnim Binti Abdul Rahman (Provided to SAYS)

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These mushroom kits have become increasingly popular on TikTok

Image via Shopee

For the benefit of those who've never heard of them, these kits are an easy way to learn about the mushroom growth process at home.

They usually come in cardboard cartons and are a fun activity for kids and adults. :P

One Malaysian recently went viral after sharing her process of growing the mushrooms, then frying and eating them

In a TikTok earlier this month, Nurul Tasnim Abdul Rahman sliced the packet open while it was still inside the box, then spritzed some water on it. 

Following the instructions on the box, she continued to spritz water every day until mushrooms sprouted.

Nurul shares with SAYS that she received the mushroom kit as a birthday present and it took a total of four days for them to start growing. By the seventh day, the mushrooms could be harvested from the chunk.

Her curious cat sussing out the new 'pet'.

Image via @tachenim_ (TikTok)

Instead of letting them go to waste, she decided to harvest and clean the mushrooms, then fry them

She tells SAYS that she used clean water to spritz them while they were growing and after they were harvested, she soaked them to get rid of any dirt. 

Like frying oyster mushrooms you get from the grocery store, Nurul dunked them into egg and some batter then fried them and ate them with chilli sauce.

It caught her by surprise that they tasted just like ones from the store. 

Though it's more of a fun activity to do at home, one exciting perk is getting to reap the benefits of your harvest!

If you'd like to get a mushroom kit of your own, you can find a variety of brands at some plant stores and cafes in Klang Valley or online

Each kit online comes with "100% pesticide-free mushrooms" and sells for around RM19 to RM24.90.

You can get it on Shopee. There are also other brands on Lazada here and here

Watch the full video below:


ready-to-grow mushroom kit to cendawan celup tepung!! #mushroomlab #mushroomkit

baby my phone - Tik Toker

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