
"It's Not Their Fault" – Malaysian Man Explains Why Some Husbands Cheat On Their Wives

"You can't blame them if their woman doesn't dress up for them."

Cover image via ROMAN ODINTSOV/Pexels & cottonbro studio/Pexels

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While different people often have various requirements when finding a partner, one trait is usually assumed or unquestionably required — loyalty

For most people, the idea of an exclusive partnership to each other is the epitome of a match made in heaven. But what happens when partners simply lose interest or stray away from their relationship?

One man decided to give his take on the matter, releasing a rant to the Facebook group, KL娱乐站. In his confession, the man simply detailed how he's grown weary and tired of his spouse, straight up saying that not all men should be blamed for cheating on their wives.

The confession post on the Facebook group KL娱乐站.

Image via KL娱乐站 (Facebook)

Beginning his rant, the man stated, quite frankly, that he feels like vomiting every time he sees his wife's face

"I don't understand how some men have wives that are so pretty, I want a wife like that too. But when I look at my wife — all I want to do is vomit," the man wrote, accompanying his sentence with the puking emoji.

Going on to critique her appearance, the man stated how every time he asks her to 'dress up' and look 'pretty', she makes the excuse that it's a lot of work to do.

"She argues with me over the smallest issues, and haggles me over every detail. It's reached a point where I can't stand her, I have no interest in her anymore," he noted.

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via ROMAN ODINTSOV/Pexels

The man goes on to explain how he understands why divorce rates are on the rise in Malaysia, especially at present day.

Sticking up for fellow men, the confessor ends his post by saying, "Sometimes, there are people outside of the relationship who make men want to stray — and in these cases, it's not their fault!"

Image for illustration purposes only.

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

Receiving about 2,000 likes and shared almost 400 times, many did not hold back in their opinions about the man's disposition about his wife

One person critiqued the man for having so much free time on his hands, with nothing better to do than to blame his wife for trivial matters.

"Did you give her money to dress up? If you want her to be beautiful, you have to put in effort. Don't you know what an investment is?" they wrote.

Further adding to the financial issues behind his wife's lack of dressing up, another user told the man that he needs to take a good look in the mirror before mindlessly criticising his wife.

"Your wife doesn't dress up because she knows that you guys need money to support your family, and save as much as you can!" the user expressed.

Condemning the man for his comments, one woman gave some insight as to why the confessor's wife may not dress up the way she used to.

"Do you know why women beat themselves up? Because she spends time with the children, and spends money on the children, so she's not the way she used to be anymore. You should share half of the housework and care for the children, then she'll definitely look good enough for you!"

Opting to provide the man some advice, one user encouraged the man to take action and be a better husband to his wife, so that their relationship will improve.

"A beautiful wife is spoiled by her husband. Remember that she was a beautiful woman even before she met you. She gave up her figure and appearance just for you. You say that you are envious of other wives, but if you want her to be beautiful, don't ask her! Take her on a day out for shopping wherever she wants to go.

"People always say that those who nag you or fight with you are the ones who really care about you. When you meet someone who's willing to do that for you, cherish it," she wrote.

However, a fair share of the comments came from men themselves, who completely disputed the man's rant and his reasons for giving credence to infidelity

A couple of guys threw some wisecracks into the ring, dissing the man for his harsh opinions about his wife.

"Just as you find other women pretty, a lot of guys find your wife pretty, too. If you don't believe me, get a divorce and see!" penned one user.

"If a wife is pretty, it's because of her husband's ability. If she is not, it's because of his incompetence," wrote another person, with multiple others agreeing with him.

Another man stated that if the confessor wants his wife to boost herself in the looks department again, he'll have to cough up some cash and effort.

"If you have the chance, let your wife be at home and not work. Hire maids to help her clean the house and take care of the kids, then she will have time to go to the gym and take care of herself. If you want her to look good, pour out money for her to get good makeup and skincare products," he opined.

Nonetheless, one man seemed to give one of the most fruitful opinions of the bunch, telling the man to make up his mind on what he wants out of his relationship.

"You can't afford a wife who dresses up, but you dislike a wife who doesn't dress up? If she leaves you one day, you'll realise how important she is. It's good to be simple. There isn't a flower in the world that's in bloom forever. Don't be superficial — inner beauty is the most important beauty."

Click here to read the full Facebook post

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