
EcoWorld's Heartwarming National And Malaysia Day Music Video Has 8 Million Views

It truly captures what Malaysians are all about :)

Cover image via EcoWorld

This Spotlight is sponsored by EcoWorld.

Two of the most significant Malaysian holidays are right around the corner - our National Day and Malaysia Day!

This time of year always inspires everyone to reflect on how beautiful and vibrant our country is, as well as the things that make us truly Malaysian <3

EcoWorld's music video truly encapsulates exactly this and encourages all Malaysians to move forward together as #AnakAnakMalaysia and #AnakAnakGembira

Image via EcoWorld

It showcases iconic scenarios that all Malaysians will be able to relate to such as how we love to lepak at mamaks, how we all come together to cheer on our national teams, our diverse cultures and customs, and of course, our undying love for local food!

Netizens took to the comments section to voice their appreciation for the video and love for our country

Image via EcoWorld
Image via EcoWorld

All of the muhibahness shown in the video is truly a heartwarming sight, so it's no surprise that it managed to garner 8 million views to date. Check it out below:

A very special song dedicated to all Malaysians in celebration of our upcoming National Day and Malaysia Day! Let’s celebrate together, as #AnakAnakMalaysia, #AnakAnakGembira! #EcoWorld #Merdeka #NationalDay #MalaysiaDay

Posted by EcoWorld on Thursday, August 24, 2017

EcoWorld wishes all #AnakAnakMalaysia a very Happy National Day & Malaysia Day, #JomKeHadapan together! :D

Image via EcoWorld

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Image via SAYS

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