
Calling For Donations! OrphanCare Is In Need Of Diapers, Infant Formula & Other Baby Items

You can offer your contributions or donations by dropping them a message on Instagram.

Cover image via RDNE Stock project/Pexels & Lucy Wolski/Unsplash

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OrphanCare is a local organisation that provides homes for children in institutions and unplanned newborn babies

Since it first launched in 2008, the non-governmental organisation, which has set up several baby hatches around Malaysia, has rescued over 520 babies.

In a recent Instagram post on Tuesday, 27 June, OrphanCare sent out a request for specific baby supplies from anyone who would like to donate.

These are the baby supplies they need:

1. Small baby bottles
2. Baby detergent
3. Baby wipes
4. Infant formula
5. Baby diapers (newborn and small size)

If you or anyone you know would like to contribute or donate, all you need to do is drop them a message on Instagram.  

With baby dumping increasing in recent years, the late Dato' Adnan Mohd Tahir and his wife Datin Elya set up OrphanCare as a way to tackle this crisis

Image via OrphanCare

Seeing as there are many couples who would love to adopt children, OrphanCare also rehomes kids who were raised in institutions by reintegrating them into families and giving them a place to belong.

To find out more about what OrphanCare does and how you can further support them, check out the website and Instagram

We spoke with Datin Elya, the founder of OrphanCare, who explained what initially led them to start the organisation:

Here are other ways you can also support the community:

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