
This Painter In China Can Seamlessly Blend Himself Into Nature Using Body Paint

Peeta? Is that you?

Cover image via @隐身人•王亮 (Douyin)

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This "human chameleon" has gained attention in China for his remarkable ability to blend seamlessly into nature

Wang Liang, a 35-year-old artist from Jinan, Shandong province, has become a social media sensation on Douyin, boasting nearly one million followers.

Aiming to promote environmental protection, he has developed the uncanny ability to disappear in photos by using body painting.

It typically takes Wang two to three hours to complete a piece, using acrylic paints, oil brushes, and other tools

Clad in a body suit, he uses his body as a canvas, skillfully painting hues and shades to match the surrounding landscapes — whether it's meandering rivers, rugged stones, verdant trees, or vibrant flowers.

Once he finishes painting himself, he finds the perfect spot to stand in, straightening his posture, and tucks his arms behind him.

And voilà, he's completely vanished!

But it's not just about artistic expression; Wang's mission is to advocate for environmental protection through his craft

According to South China Morning Post, he uses his "invisible man" persona to raise awareness about the delicate balance between humanity and nature.

"My artwork aims to demonstrate the concept of humans blending into nature and living in harmony with it. I hope to advocate for nature conservation through my works," he said.

Watch how he "disappears" into nature here:

Some have questioned whether Wang uses computer-generated special effects to achieve "invisibility"

"Obviously, it's special effects," said one sceptic.

To address these doubts, Wang has uploaded unedited videos of his entire painting process to his Douyin account.

Image via Douyin

Meanwhile, other netizens were impressed by Wang's skills

"I paused the video and kept staring until I lost sight of him," one user said.

Image via Douyin

"It's amazing how he just disappeared," praised another.

Image via Douyin

One person complimented Wang's impressive talent while humorously reflecting on their own abilities.

"Why are other people so skilled with their hands, but mine are useless except for wiping my butt?" they joked.

Image via Douyin

"Chameleon: Yes, you are my ancestor," another wrote, playfully acknowledging Wang's remarkable ability to blend into his surroundings.

Image via Douyin

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