
Should You Be Drinking Oat Milk? Here Are 3 Common Myths To Be Aware Of

Is oat milk a healthier option?

Cover image via Polina Tankilevitch (Pexels) & George Milton (Pexels)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by OATSIDE.

Oat milk has surged in popularity as a go-to dairy alternative, beloved for its creamy texture and versatility.

You can have it on its own, with your cereal, or even as an oat milk latte!

But, with the buzz comes a fair share of myths and misconceptions that might leave you questioning whether oat milk is really as good as it seems. If you're wondering whether you should be drinking oat milk, it's time to separate fact from fiction.

To help clear up these misconceptions, we spoke with Dr Shazril Shaharuddin (@say_shazril), a healthcare professional, who shared insights into some of the most common myths about oat milk:

Myth #1: Oat milk contains seed oils that are inflammatory

Fact: Seed oils contain polyunsaturated fats that are anti-inflammatory.

According to Dr Shazril, scientific studies have shown that polyunsaturated fats, like those found in canola oil, are either neutral or even anti-inflammatory.

"For example, a study found that consuming sunflower oil led to a decrease in inflammatory markers, while butter, which is high in saturated fats, increased inflammation.

"This evidence highlights that polyunsaturated fats, such as those in sunflower oil, can support heart health when included in a balanced diet," he said.  

Myth #2: Oat milk is high in sugar and causes insulin spikes

Fact: Unsweetened oat milk has a low glycemic load.

According to Dr Shazril, glycemic load is a more practical measure of how food affects your blood glucose levels.

"It takes the glycemic index (GI) into account, but provides a fuller picture than the index alone. The natural sugars in oat milk, when paired with fibre content, are absorbed more slowly, resulting in a steadier release of energy.

"This makes oat milk a safe option for those concerned about maintaining stable blood sugar levels," he said.

Myth #3: Oat milk is not nutritious

Fact: Most oat milk are often fortified with calcium providing levels similar to dairy milk.

According to Dr Shazril, oat milk is a nutritious alternative for those looking for a plant-based option.

"With fortification and the inherit benefits of oats, it provides a balanced choice for anyone looking to reduce their intake of saturated fats or who are lactose tolerant," he said.

Cholesterol-free and containing dietary fibre, oat milk offers a good balance of unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, and calcium. This makes it a well-rounded choice for those looking to maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing taste or texture.

Whether you're a coffee lover looking for the perfect froth or simply want a delicious, plant-based milk, OATSIDE is a great option to consider

Image via OATSIDE

OATSIDE oat milk offers a creamy texture and rich mouthfeel that enhances the flavours of your coffee or tea without overwhelming them. It froths well, making a versatile choice for creating smooth, dense microfoam, ideal for latte art.

As a 100% plant based option, OATSIDE is lactose-free, cholesterol-free, low in saturated fat, and provides calcium levels comparable to dairy milk, making it suitable for those seeking a nutritious dairy alternative. 

What sets OATSIDE apart is its commitment to clean labels and health-conscious ingredients, without compromising on taste. With no added sugars in their Barista Blend, the milk derives its natural sweetness directly from the oats, ensuring a balanced taste. 

Additionally, OATSIDE offers low-sugar options in its chocolate and coffee variants, catering to those mindful of their sugar intake while still delivering a delicious and sustainable alternative. 

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