
Simple Recipes For Yummy Bread-Based Snacks You Can Try During Chinese New Year

You can whip 'em up in no time at all!

Cover image via Gardenia (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Gardenia.

Ahhh, Gardenia bread... a Malaysian classic and a staple in many homes <3

Did you know that Gardenia Original Classic white bread has been enjoyed by Malaysians since 1986? Freshly baked and delivered daily, this soft and fluffy white bread is made from unbleached high protein flour with added vitamin A, vitamin E, and iron. It's also a source of protein.

That is why Gardenia Original Classic became a daily constant in the lives of Malaysians, with loaves of the bread being a familiar sight in many households. Savoury or sweet, it's so versatile. And as the tagline goes, it's so good that you can even eat it on its own! ;)

In conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebrations, Gardenia has teamed up with Chef Jia Le Woh to come up with two delicious recipes, mmm!

Whether you serve them during reunion dinner or at an open house, they'll be a great addition to the iconic festive dishes we all know and love. Best of all, they're super easy to make, you'll be able to whip 'em up in no time at all!

Check out the two festive recipes below:

1. Gardenia Original Classic Golden Fortune Ball

- 20g onion
- 10g lemongrass
- 1 kaffir lime leaf
- 3 slices Gardenia Original Classic bread
- 300g fish paste
- 1/2 box otak-otak
- Sesame oil
- White pepper


1. Cut the bread and otak-otak into cubes. Set aside.

2. In a bowl, mix the fish paste, otak-otak, onion, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaf, sesame oil, and white pepper until well-combined.

3. Divide the mixture into small balls that are 30g each, then cover the filling balls with the bread cubes.

4. Fry until golden brown, and serve.

2. Gardenia Original Classic Salted Egg Custard Pie

- 12 slices Gardenia Original Classic bread
- 120g sugar
- 65.5g evaporated milk
- 62.5g powdered milk
- 92.5g butter
- 50g salted egg yolk


1. Mash the salted egg yolks and set aside.

2. Add the sugar, evaporated milk, powdered milk, butter, and salted egg yolks into a bowl. Mix until well-combined.

3. Spread the mixture out evenly and freeze overnight.

4. Shape the salted egg custard filling into balls and put back into the freezer.

5. Place a filling ball on a slice of bread, and cover with another slice. Then, cut the bread into a circle shape and press down the sides to make sure the filling won't leak out.

6. Fry the bread until golden brown, then serve.

If you'd like a closer look at how to make these yummy snacks, you can watch the recipe videos that will be posted to the Gardenia Bakeries Facebook Page at 12pm on 25 January

Serve these delicious snacks to your family and friends when they come over, and you'll definitely leave them wanting more!

Gardenia is also ushering in the Year of the Rabbit with their pretty Chinese New Year limited edition festive wrapper

Bright and eye-catching, the limited edition festive wrapping suits the theme of cultural celebration, encouraging the sharing of recipes and good food among loved ones.

You'll find your fave Gardenia loaves wrapped in this special CNY packaging from now until 29 January, so hurry and grab some before they're all gone.

Gardenia wishes everyone Happy Chinese New Year!

For more information on their products and all their latest updates, head over to their website or Facebook.

For more yummy eats, check out our other #makan stories:

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Image via SAYS

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