
This Company Is Donating 2 Million Care Packs To The Needy. Here’s How You Can Help

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.

Cover image via Mamee (Provided to SAYS)

With the way things are right now, there’s no doubt that everyone could use a little kindness to light up their world

And, that’s exactly what Mamee wants to do!

Mamee is giving out two million care packs, each one consisting of Mamee Instant Noodles and Mamee Monster Thin Thin Bisnacks to those who are in need, or who were affected by the pandemic.

The initiative seeks to alleviate some of the difficulties faced by Malaysians, and you can help too!

Make a change by nominating an NGO or an individual who deserves a helping hand. From there, the Monstars will distribute the care packs on your behalf! You can also show support by following their social media pages (@MameeNoodlesMY or @IamMameeMonster).

Monstars are Mamee's awesome staff!

Image via Mamee (Provided to SAYS)

Everyone is encouraged to do a good deed this month as we celebrate Malaysia Day #SamaSamaMamee! Remember to tag @MameeNoodlesMY or @IamMameeMonster in your posts every time you 'Sama-Sama Care' for one another. Whether it's paying meals forward, providing groceries to those in need - it's all up to you!

In the spirit of patriotism, you can also take part in a nationwide singalong with Mamee, too!

Image via GIPHY

By bringing people from all walks of life together, Mamee hopes to foster semangat kebangsaan as we sing along to the 'Sama-Sama Mamee' song, in the tune of Freedom’s 'Mulanya Di Sini'.

Get your family and friends to join you, or you could even put on a solo act.

Here are the lyrics of the song:

Tibanya di sini
Kita rakyat Malaysia
Berganding bahu
Kita harungi bersama

Sehingga di sini
Sehati, sejiwa
Kita berteman
Seiring jalan dan sehaluan


Sama Sama, kita membantu
Sama Sama kita bersatu
Segalanya, kita bangkit bersama

Sama Sama gunung didaki
Sama Sama turun padang You and Me
Suka duka, BersaMAMEE BersamaMu

Wanna know what else you can do to spread the luuurve? <3

Just as the lyrics of the song ‘Sama-Sama Malaysia’ go,

“Sama-sama kita membantu, sama-sama kita bersatu”

Let’s lend each other a helping hand this national month #SamaSamaMamee!

Remember to join the nationwide singalong, and foster the spirit of togetherness, bersama-sama.

Got a lot of makan places to recommend? Let us know in our new SAYS Makan Buddies Facebook Group!

Image via SAYS

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