
18-Year-Old Spent Two Hours Cleaning Up Rubbish After Hari Merdeka Celebrations At KLCC

"This is not the Malaysia that our ancestors fought for!"

Cover image via Instagram @aimanariffinnn

While most people would be revelling in the high of Hari Merdeka celebrations, one young man spent hours cleaning up the mess that was left behind

In an Instagram post on Saturday, 31 August, 18-year-old Aiman Ariffin spent two hours cleaning up rubbish that was left behind by visitors at KLCC Park, reported Malay Mail.

"The night of Merdeka should've been a night full of joy, fun and laughter but it made me feel internally anguished by our depths of ignorance," Aiman wrote.

Aiman Ariffin.

Image via Instagram @aimanariffinnn

"After the show of fireworks ended I was perplexed by the sheer amount of garbage that has (sic) simply been littered all over the area," he wrote.

"Literally seconds after people were screaming MERDEKA people started to throw their trash EVERYWHERE! THIS IS NOT THE MALAYSIA THAT OUR ANCESTORS HAD FOUGHT FOR!"

Within five minutes, Aiman had already collected multiple plastic water bottles, small plastic bags, and plastic beverage cups

"We've built engineering marvels that has mesmerised the world and we've defended Islam with our dying breath but at the same time we have failed to defend our country from the ignorance of our own," he lamented.

He also admonished those who defended Islam, but could not "defend an integral teaching of Islam" which is cleanliness.

"If you need an 18 year old (sic) to spend two hours cleaning after your trash, then how far have we truly come as an independent nation?"

Ending his post, Aiman thanked the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) for their assistance in cleaning up the park as well

"Unfortunately, many of our young people have been raised to think that throwing their rubbish everywhere is not a big problem," Aiman wrote.

"A country's success should not be measured by the height of its skyscrapers, the strength of its military force, or the size of its land but by its own citizens."

Read the full post below:

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The night of Merdeka should’ve been a night full of joy, fun and laughter but it made me feel internally anguished by our depths of ignorance. We’ve built engineering marvels that has mesmerized the world and we’ve defended Islam with our dying breath but at the same time we have failed to defend our country from the ignorance of our own. After the show of fireworks ended i was perplexed by the sheer amount of garbage that has simply been littered all over the area, literally seconds after people were screaming MERDEKA people started to throw their trash EVERYWHERE! THIS IS NOT THE MALAYSIA THAT OUR ANCESTORS HAD FOUGHT FOR! You can defend Islam but you can’t defend an integral teaching of Islam which is CLEANLINESS! If you need an 18 year old to spend 2 hours cleaning after your trash, then how far have we truly come as an independent nation? ( Last pic was the amount collected in only 5 minutes out of TWO WHOLE HOURS so you can imagine the amount of trash that was littered ) . Tidakkah kalian malu sebagai seseorang yang berbangsa Malaysia? Tidak kah anda merasa seperti anda telah meludah atas perjuangan ibu dan bapa kita sebelum ini? Malangnya, ramai anak-anak muda kita telah terasuh dalam mindanya bahawa pembuangan sampah secara merata bukanlah sebuah masalah yang besar. Sejujurnya, kejayaan sesebuah negara tidak boleh diukur dengan ketinggian pencakar langitnya, kemegahan angkatan tenteranya ataupun kebesaran tanahnya tetapi kejayaan sesebuah negara hanya boleh diukur dengan rakyatnya sendiri. #MalaysiaBersih(?) ( P.S thanks @pdrmsia_official atas sokongan anda semalam )

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