
These Helpful Uncles Lifted A Car Together After Seeing It Block An Exit In PJ

"Yi, er, san!"

Cover image via SAYS

On Wednesday, 28 August, several drivers were blocked from exiting a carpark in Seapark, PJ by a car that was conveniently parked there

Image via SAYS

A group of quick-thinking uncles, however, came to the rescue in the most heartwarming fashion.

One man - presumably a wan tan mee seller in the area - noticed cars waiting to exit the carpark and immediately summoned other men in the vicinity

After several minutes, a group of five to eight men arrived - quite excitedly.

First thing on the agenda? Assess the situation.

Image via SAYS

A couple of them then tested how heavy the car was, by lifting it slightly from the back

Image via ImgFlip/SAYS

Shortly after, one man yelled loudly, "Yi, er, san!" and the semangat group lifted the car away from the exit

This happened about three to four times until the car was moved far enough for the other vehicles to exit.

Image via ImgFlip/SAYS

Looking quite pleased with themselves, they stood back and watched as the other cars finally exited the carpark.

Image via SAYS
Image via SAYS

The owner came back five minutes later to move it - possibly wondering why her car was crookedly parked.

Meanwhile, no horns were honked thanks to these helpful uncles and everybody lived in peace.

You can watch the video of them working together below:

Uncles, I see you. <3

Image via Giphy

Moral of the story? Stop parking inconsiderately. These other drivers were not so lucky:

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