
Bersatu Youth Congratulates Dr Radzi Jidin For The Upcoming Launch Of DidikTV

The introduction of this special channel helps to solve the problems faced in home-based teaching and learning (PdPR).

Cover image via Siakap Keli & Berita Harian

This Spotlight is sponsored by the Ministry of Education (MOE).

DidikTV, the Ministry of Education (MOE)'s previously announced special TV channel dedicated to education, will be launched on 17 February

Image via The Vocket

This is one of MOE's initiatives in their efforts to ensure that Malaysian students receive free access to knowledge and educational content, just as they would in school.

DidikTV will air from 7am to midnight daily.

The introduction of this special channel helps to solve the problems faced in home-based teaching and learning (PdPR)

In a statement, Bersatu Youth information chief Mohd Ashraf Mustaqim expressed congratulatory remarks to Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin. He congratulated Dr Radzi on his earnest efforts in making sure the initiative successfully solved one of the biggest problems with PdPR.

"Congratulations Dr Radzi Jidin on the empowerment of educational TV. Because of that, Bersatu Youth sees the success of Dr Radzi Jidin and the MOE team to increase broadcast time and make ntv7 a special channel for Education TV (DidikTV) as the best step in solving major problems related to PdPR students, such as lack of devices, gadgets, or Internet data," said Mohd Ashraf Mustaqim.

Bersatu Youth previously pushed for an enhanced Education broadcast, following MOE's initial creation of Education TV on 6 April 2020, the month after the implementation of the first Movement Control Order (MCO). This was expressed in a statement from Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayshal.

DidikTV will broadcast live on channel 107 on MyTV, channel 147 on Astro, and channel ntv7 on TV Unifi. Alternatively, DidikTV videos are also available on ntv7's YouTube channel.

The programmes that will be broadcasted include content based on curriculum and co-curriculum. In fact, these programmes have been modified accordingly to ensure that students benefit from what has been published by the MOE.

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