
Man Can't Believe He Was Charged RM50 For A Piece Of Squid In His Nasi Campur

The state Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry found that each piece of squid was being sold at a range of RM20 to RM100.

Cover image via 1SABAH (Facebook)

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An angry diner was left with a bitter taste in his mouth after being charged an eye-watering RM75 for a plate of mixed rice at a restaurant in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

With the intention of warning others about the restaurant, the irate man took to Facebook to voice his complaints, alleging that the staff there charged people arbitrarily.

"Be careful when eating here, they charge however they like. It's not just me who's been charged this way; others have [experienced it] too.

"To those who haven't been this restaurant, don't come here. Your pockets will empty," he said.

The receipt he posted showed that the restaurant charged him for two plates of white rice, chicken, vegetables, squid, and two drinks.

Of the RM75 bill, the squid alone was priced at a staggering RM50.

Many netizens thanked him for the warning and agreed that the price of the squid was exorbitant

"The price is excessive," commented a Facebook user.

Image via Facebook

Another sarcastically remarked, "That must be a heavenly squid for it to be priced like that."

Image via Facebook

"You could have eaten at a hotel," said a netizen.

Image via Facebook

Following the viral post, the state Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) conducted an inspection at the restaurant

According to the New Straits Times, Sabah KPDN enforcement head Zulfamy Mat Udi said the premise is currently under investigation for misleading and unclear pricing practices.

KPDN found that although the restaurant displays prices for each food and beverage item, each piece of squid was being sold at a range of RM20 to RM100.

Zulfamy said the restaurant operator has been given two days to justify the pricing

He also said the owner has been advised to provide clearer price tags to distinguish between small, medium, and large-sized squids.

"By implementing specific pricing labels, it can avoid confusion among consumers," he said in a statement.

The ministry also urged the public to always inquire with eateries about their food prices before eating or purchasing to avoid disappointment.

Here are other times customers were taken aback by the price of their meal upon receiving the bill:

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