
Father Caught Buying Heroin With Two-Year-Old Son In Hand

A two-year-old toddler was among 72 drug addicts who were arrested in a police raid.

Cover image via The Star

A 28-year-old father was caught buying drugs from a pusher with his two-year-old son with him on 8 June 2014

A man, who allegedly took his two-year-old son with him to buy drugs, is among 72 individuals arrested under 'Ops Tapis' in an oil palm plantation in Kampung Gelam Tanjung Minyak here, yesterday.

The 28-year-old man was caught red-handed while buying heroin from a pusher with his toddler in his arms.

According to Melaka Tengah district police chief, the 28-year-old man went on a motorcycle with his son to the oil palm plantaion at 9am to buy heroin

Melaka Tengah district police chief, ACP Salehhudin Abd Rahman said the 28-year-old man went on a motorcycle with his son to the oil palm plantation at about 9am to get his supply of heroin.

The man and son were among a group of drug addicts who were caught red handed by anti-narcotics police officers during the 7-hour Ops Tapis raid in Malacca

Image via The Star

A father who brought along his two-year-old son to get his drug fix was among 72 people arrested in an oil palm plantation near here.

The addicts were arrested by a team of anti-narcotics police officers while either getting their fix or buying the drug. They tried to run away but were nabbed before they could get far.

72 men and women aged between 23 and 64 were arrested on the suspicion of using heroin

Melaka Tengah OCPD Asst Comm Salehhudin Abd Rahman said during the six-hour Ops Tapis on Saturday, police picked up 70 men and two women, aged between 23 and 64, from the plantation at Kampung Pinang in Tanjung Kling here. “All were arrested on suspicion of using heroin,” he said yesterday.

Two women, aged 25 and 30 years, and a 32-year-old man, believed to be drug dealers, were also arrested in the seven-hour operation conducted since 5am.

During the raid, police seized a total of 210g of heroin and a stolen motorcycle

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"Police seized two packets of drugs, believed to be heroin and weighing about 210 grammes, from them," Melaka Tengah district police chief, ACP Salehhudin Abd Rahman told reporters. He said police also seized a Honda EX5 motorcycle which was reported missing in Tanjung Kling yesterday from one of the suspects.

The two-year-old boy was taken to the police station before returning to his family members

He noted that one of the suspects was being investigated under Section 39(b) while another, under Section 12 (2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, for possession while the others were being probed under Section 31 of the Drug Dependants (Treatment and Rehabilitation) Act 1983 for drug abuse.

All the suspects were taken to the Melaka Tengah district police headquarters.

The boy was also taken to the Batang Tiga police station before his family members took him home.

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