
Indonesian Man Shocked To Discover Wife's True Gender After Year-Long Relationship

The crossdresser dressed as a woman, wearing a niqab to cover his head and face.

Cover image via New Straits Times & Tribun News

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A 26-year-old Indonesian man, known only as AK, was stunned to discover that his wife of 12 days was actually a man trying to scam him out of money

According to SCMP, AK had been dating the 26-year-old 'woman', Adinda Kanza, for over a year before they planned to marry.

AK, hailing from Naringgul in Java, Indonesia, met Adinda on social media in 2023. They quickly hit it off and soon arranged to meet in person.

Adinda, always wearing a niqab covering her head and face, claimed to be a devout Muslim. AK saw this as a sign of her religious devotion and was not bothered by it, unaware of Adinda's true identity

The couple decided to get married in a modest ceremony at AK's home on 12 April. None of Adinda's family members attended because she claimed to have no family.

Adinda even brought 5g of gold (worth about RM1,750) as a dowry, although they did not officially register their marriage.

Just 12 days into the marriage, AK grew suspicious. Adinda avoided communicating with his family members and continued wearing her veiled attire at home.

Adinda also constantly avoided intimacy, citing reasons such as the 'menstrual cycle' and feeling unwell.

Image via kumparanNEWS

Determined to uncover the truth, AK tracked down Adinda's supposed family address and discovered that she was not an orphan

Adinda's parents were alive and well. AK also discovered that Adinda was actually a man named ESH, who had been cross-dressing since 2020.

ESH's parents revealed that they had never heard of AK and were unaware of their relationship.

ESH later admitted to the police that he intended to marry AK to steal his family's assets, reported the New Straits Times.

The police arrested ESH after AK's discovery. He is currently facing fraud charges that carry punishments of up to four years in prison under local laws.

The police noted that ESH genuinely resembled a woman, especially when wearing makeup, and had a high-pitched voice similar to a woman's.

The news, initially reported by Indonesian digital media outlet detikcom, has gone viral globally after being picked up by news outlets in Malaysia, India, China, and the UK.

Netizens expressed their disbelief and sympathy for AK, who faced emotional and financial loss due to the deceitful relationship.

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