
[VIDEO] Man Arrested For Threatening Pregnant Driver & Shattering Her Window With A Knife

Investigations found that the man has seven past criminal records.

Cover image via Inforoadblock (Facebook)

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A road bully in Kelantan broke a woman driver's window after an accident that left a dent on the side of his car

A two-minute and 16-seconds video taken by the victim captured the incident, which took place at Simpang Empat Limbat on Thursday, 28 July, at 5.45pm.

According to Harian Metro, the 35-year-old woman was alone when the 45-year-old suspect, who was driving a white Toyota Vios, threatened her.

Kelantan police chief Datuk Mohamad Zaki Harun said, "Suddenly, the suspect blocked the victim's path and stopped in the middle of the road. The suspect then approached the woman's car and broke the window and threatened the victim."

The man reportedly approached the victim's vehicle and attempted to open her door

The woman did not roll down her window nor did she exit her car. This appeared to have angered the man even more, leading him to shatter her window using a knife that was covered with a blue cloth.

In the video, the man can be heard speaking aggressively as he looks at her through the small hole he created when shattering the window.

"My car was too close to the side. The side of the mirror is dented. You did not give me a way to go when you were entering just now," the man told the woman.

The suspect continued to demand the victim to roll down her window, which she refused

"You better wind down your window [so] we can talk," he said.

"I don't think so, I'm pregnant. [We] should go somewhere with more people or [you] can come to my house," she suggested.

The woman later said that she would pay for the damage and said that they should go to the police station to settle the matter, to which he refused.

On Sunday evening, 31 July, the suspect was arrested at his home in Nilam Puri, Kelantan

The 45-year-old man is now under remand for four days. He is being investigated under Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation, Section 279 of the Penal Code for endangering lives of other road users, and Section 427 of the Penal code for damaging property, reported Harian Metro.

Zaki said, "Investigations found that the suspect has seven past criminal records, one of which is related to crime while the rest are related to drugs. The police also confiscated the knife that was used in the incident."

He added that the suspect tested negative for drugs.

Watch the ordeal here:

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