
Rapid KL Calls For Civic-Mindedness Among M'sians After Discovering Poop Left On Bus

Rapid KL highlighted that this isn't the first time someone has defecated in their public transport vehicles.

Cover image via Wikimedia Commons & Rapid KL (Facebook)

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Rapid KL has been consistently vocal about passengers who do not follow the company's rules and who desecrate the company's public transport vehicles

This time was no different as Rapid KL took to its official Facebook page on Friday, 9 September, to highlight the mess that was left behind by a passenger on a Rapid KL bus.

In the post, is a picture showing streaks of brown mess that was smeared on the floor of the bus.

It was confirmed by Rapid KL that the brown stains were actually human excrement. It was also highlighted that this wasn't the first time soemone has defecated on their public transport vehicles.

The post has since garnered over 1,600 comments and 593 shares on Facebook at the time of writing, with many netizens sharing their thoughts on the situation.

Image via Facebook

Some netizens did not believe that this was done on purpose and theorised that there may be underlying reasons as to why someone would relieve themselves on the bus

A Facebook user wrote, "I feel like this was done by a senior citizen. I'm not trying to claim anything but I notice many elderly passengers taking the public bus. At times, many of them can barely walk but they still go out and take the bus. But that's the thing, who knows right? It's better to just watch the CCTV footage."

Another user commented, "Maybe a person who isn't sound of mind did it. I have met some who take the bus and Light Transit Rail (LRT) regularly. But these are just my own thoughts."

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

Other netizens suggested tactics Rapid KL can utilise to tackle the issue

"Install a CCTV and a drone to record all kinds of dirty acts like that. It is wrong regardless of whether the person is a foreigner or a local. Just fine them RM10,000 for each wrongdoing," one user suggested.

Another user suggested that toilets should be installed on the buses. They wrote, "It's best to install toilets on the bus. As the city centre is always congested, the bus cannot stop (for toilet breaks). There are people who need to relieve themselves but have to let it go on the bus. Hopefully, the higher-ups can consider installing toilets in buses or include this suggestion in the 2023 budget plan."

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

Previously, Rapid KL called out two passengers for eating cup instant noodles on an MRT train:

KTMB has also criticised passengers for not abiding by their rules on the KTM train:

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