
[VIDEO] Cow Escapes & Knocks Woman Off Her Feet On Hari Raya Haji

Several people were seen running to avoid obstructing the cow's escape route.

Cover image via @brrloser (TikTok)

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A video showing a korban cow escaping and knocking a woman off her feet has gone viral on TikTok

The video was uploaded on Hari Raya Haji on Monday, 17 June, by user @brrloser, who identified himself as Amirul Hisyam.

The 28-second video shows the cow escaping, prompting several people in its path to flee to avoid being knocked over.

A crowd is seen standing by the side, looking confused as the cow attempts to escape.

Amidst the chaos, the cow charges at a woman who is trying to run away, knocking her off her feet.

The video ends with a man helping the woman to her feet.

Speaking to SAYS, Amirul said the incident occurred at 10am on Monday

"There were a total of 100 people [at the ibadah korban]. The woman is said to be fine and did not suffer any injuries.

"The cow was captured with the help of the public and was sacrificed in the ceremony," he said when contacted.

At the time of writing, the video has gone viral with over 3.7 million views

Many netizens expressed concern for the woman in the video.

"Ya Allah, how is the girl? Is she okay?" asked a concerned TikTok user, to which Amirul replied that the woman was taken to a clinic following the incident.

"The woman must have thought, 'Why did the cow charge at me when there were so many other people around?'" a person said in jest.

"10% pain, 90% shame," another person joked.

Image via TikTok

The video of the incident can be found below:

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