
I Went On A Boat Glamping Adventure Around Tioman. Here's Why You Should Too

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Cover image via Tamara Jayne/SAYS & @ravin___p (Provided to SAYS)

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Imagine waking up to the gentle lapping of waves against your boat, surrounded by the crystal-clear waters and lush greenery of Tioman Island — that's exactly what you'll get on this boat trip

While Tioman is a well-known island in Malaysia, not many may have heard of Sea Rascals — a glamping boat adventure that offers a unique and comfortable way to experience the island's natural beauty.

Instead of your typical island boat day trip, you can spend a few nights on this liveaboard, while the crew takes you on various adventures.

Here are four highlights of what you can expect:

1. Snorkel and meet some of Tioman's friendly residents

We got to swim among turtles and different types of fish — even met a few huge blacktip reef sharks. :O

One lucky group on a recent boat trip experienced a rare phenomenon, spotting a pod of pilot whales! Jealous. But yes, if you're fortunate, you might also see dolphins or whales, depending on the season.

On one of the days, the crew guided us through the mangroves, where we encountered numerous sharks and stingrays.

Spot the stingray zipping past us in the video below:

2. Catch breathtaking sunsets while lying on the boat's sea hammocks

Lying on the custom-made hammocks while the boat cruised was one of our favourite highlights.

Here's a video of one of the sunsets we caught:

Every night, you can comfortably lie on the boat's sundeck and bask under a sea of stars. It's the perfect time to disconnect digitally and get some much-needed rest.

There's also a hammock on the boat where you can relax:

3. Apart from snorkelling, you can enjoy the boat's toys, including a foam floatie and paddleboard

We snorkelled and floated on the foam floatie until our fingers got wrinkly. Heh.

The crew even made us the yummiest cekodok you will ever taste while we relaxed on the float.

Some of us brought our own toys too. :P

Image via @ravin___p (Provided to SAYS)

Part of the fun is jumping off the boat:

4. Enjoy tasty homecooked food and the best sleep of your life

The crew will cook up a storm, providing you with the yummiest homecooked meals while you're onboard. If the weather is good, you can also add on a barbecue before your arrival.

This isn't your typical rush-from-island-to-island kind of trip. Instead, you'll have the chance to truly unwind and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

After all the activities throughout the day, we ended up having some of the best sleep we've had in a while.

The rooms and beds on the boat are exceptionally comfortable, accompanied by a refreshing natural breeze at night. 

For those prone to motion sickness, we recommend bringing along motion sickness pills for a more enjoyable experience.

Find out more about Sea Rascals here.

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