
[VIDEO] Rare Sight Of Pilot Whales Spotted In Tioman Leaves Tourists Surprised

Lucky guys.

Cover image via Sea Rascals (Provided to SAYS)

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A pod of pilot whales was recently spotted by a group of travellers in Tioman

During a recent trip on Sea Rascals, an adventure cruise in Pulau Tioman, the crew and group of travellers were sailing when the pod unexpectedly appeared.

The crew's captain, Zai, captured the magical moment on camera, when a few whales were seen breaching the surface. 

Pilot whales are friendly, playful mammals that live in groups and are known to travel in pods of up to dozens or even hundreds all over the world

Recognised for their remarkable intelligence, their large brain sizes enable them to engage in complex social behaviour.

They are not commonly spotted in Tioman compared to other parts of Malaysia, such as Langkawi or near Sarawak.

However, there have been occasional sightings of pilot whales around Tioman, so it's not entirely impossible to encounter them during a trip there, though it is an extremely rare occurrence.

You can watch the full video below:

It's rare but dolphins have also been spotted around the island on other occasions:

Check out other unusual encounters with sea life around Malaysia:

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